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miley cyrus 2011 pics

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  • kalsta
    May 5, 08:45 AM
    Easy. 13/48ths of an inch.;)

    Is that wink a small admission of how silly your system really is? :) Sure, the math was simple, but how meaningful are all these crazy fractions? If I actually had to try and picture what these fractions represent, I'd want to convert the denominator into a multiple of 10 first in order to try and picture it. I might note that twice 48 is roughly 100, so I know we're dealing with a bit over 26%. Other fractions could prove more difficult. With the metric system, you never have to do this. You're always dealing with base-10, which is something we all understand and can picture, without having to memorise particular fractions and what they represent.

    I really don't see much functional difference between a language and a system of measures. Both express specificity using prearranged syntax and values.

    Well, we could certainly argue that international communication would be a LOT simpler if there was only one language � and it would be! However, the reality is, we have a world with not only a diversity of language, but a diversity of culture, and the two are intricately linked. That makes the world a very interesting place, and being able to speak multiple languages would be a wonderful skill to have when travelling and engaging in other cultures. People are generally proud of their heritage, culture and language, and there aren't too many people suggesting the world should lose all of that richness in the interest of conformity. (Well, there are such people, but I think we can agree they're generally pretty scary.)

    How many people are so nostalgic about the imperial system? With language, one communicates deep philosophical thoughts, writes beautiful poetry, tells a woman of his undying love. With a system of measurement, one� well, measures stuff. Most of the world has seen the benefits of a better system and they've moved on without regret. What is different about the US that it can't do likewise? I honestly find it perplexing. Be honest now� Is it because the French invented it?

    Even beyond that, if we were to adopt the metric system 100% starting tomorrow, the transition would have to last for decades not only to encompass those who are too old to be educated, but also to deal with the infrastructure changes that would have to take place. At the very earliest it would be my grandchildren who would see a fully metricized US.

    You're not stepping out onto the moon this time. Just about every other country on the planet (and there are quite a few of them!) have gone before you, and it worked out just fine. Sure, it takes some time, but not as long as you might like to imagine. Let me come back to my own experience� I was born in the 70s, around the time Australia was just starting to transition to the metric system. The older folk may well have had a difficult time with it, but if so I was blissfully unaware of it. I came to learn what an inch was, since most rulers had inches on one side and mm/cm on the other, and people still, to this day, casually talk about their height in feet and the weight of newborn babies in pounds. (Yes, some old habits die hard.) But these sort of things are the exceptions. The transition to metric was so efficient, I, as a first generation growing up with it, didn't even notice there was a transition happening.

    Seriously, you should be looking to Australia and other countries with successful transitions and learning from them, instead of just perpetuating all these fanciful stories of how terrible it's going to be to change.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus

  • tyzilla
    Sep 16, 12:07 PM
    agreed, the keyboard would look FUGLY.

    couldn't have said it better myself. haha.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus

  • StickNutzman
    Mar 28, 09:45 AM
    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    Sure you will. :rolleyes:

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus Singer Miley Cyrus

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:59 AM
    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    oh yeah?
    you wanna a piece of me?
    come and get it mummyboy!

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus - 2011 Pre-GRAMMY
  • Miley Cyrus - 2011 Pre-GRAMMY

  • thogs_cave
    Aug 11, 09:36 PM
    well, i know there was some marginal increase in processing speed but i'm talking about actually running 64bit programs. i thought you need alot more horsepower to run 64bit programs than whats currently offered... maybe i was just tired and totally misread an article a couple of weeks ago.

    Actually, no. Remember, 64-bit is only new to the consumer stuff. I've been running 64-bit UNIX applications for over 8 years. 64-bit UNIX has been around even longer than that. It's not a matter of "horsepower" (by today's standards, a 167MHz UltraSPARC I is kinda slow...), but of the usefulness of a 64-bit address space, not only for real memory, but for virtual. As well as higher precision, etc. (Assuming the CPU is true 64-bit and not limited by a smaller external address bus.)

    Hmmm... There's actually a good entry on it in Wikipedia:


    That might help you some more.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus – Marie Claire
  • Miley Cyrus – Marie Claire

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 22, 11:37 AM
    iPod Phone == phone + music

    Palm Treo == Tool

    Threat averted. Life can go on as usual. :rolleyes:

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011
  • Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011

  • balamw
    Apr 14, 10:06 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    US Treasury not Federal Reserve. https://www.pay.gov/paygov/forms/formInstance.html?agencyFormId=23779454


    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 tour dates.
  • miley cyrus 2011 tour dates.

  • DavidCar
    Jul 29, 09:24 PM
    Haven't we heard before from this "tech-unsavvy friend, who is regularly hired by Apple to do marketing photo shoots", maybe sometime in the past year or two? The line sounds familiar. I don't recall if the previous bit of information from that source was true or not.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus – 2011 Pre-GRAMMY
  • Miley Cyrus – 2011 Pre-GRAMMY

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 9, 08:36 PM
    Spotlight is giving me 288.

    You are using an * in you formula, the original doesn't have an *

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 hot pics
  • miley cyrus 2011 hot pics

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:38 PM
    Manufacturing costs in Japan are quite high. Things that are made there are made there *because* of the very high brain power and sophistication of Japanese workers.

    And anyway, Apple sells lots and lots of computers/iPhones/iPads etc. in Asia, so why on earth shouldn't those countries expect that if they can do a better job building them, then Apple should build them there?

    How silly would it be for Apple to decide to just build things in the US and try to make the rest of the world pay higher prices to support American workers?

    Actually, Japanese companies manufacturing products in Japan is extremely inefficient due to the high cost, and due primarily to protectionism and racial pride. The Japanese domestic market is known for being highly inefficient.

    Note, I am not arguing Apple should assemble it's products in the US. Asia can do the same job for lower cost. My argument is simply there's no evidence American products are inherently of lower quality than other country's products.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny
  • Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny

  • zacman
    Apr 18, 03:07 PM
    Ooop. Apple already so afraid? No wonder when a phone OS (Galaxy tab with Android 2.2) takes almost 20% marketshare in less than 3 months in the tablet market...

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 grammys
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys

  • 0010101
    Nov 24, 09:20 PM
    For those of you who may have forgotten, or are too young to remember, Apple has had more than it's share of Cleveland Steamers.. and an iPhone would just be another turd in the punchbowl.

    iPod was a hit because nobody at the time of iPods introduction made anything like it. Sure, there were other players out there, but nothing came even remotely close to the features, size, and ease of use.

    The cellular phone market is a whole different playing field, with dozens of established manufacturers with a significant head start (decades) and an established user base.

    Apple has about as good a chance of entering the cell phone market as LG does entering the MP3 player market.

    While there are folks out there who would buy any piece of plastic that Steve Jobs wiped his rear with and stuck an 'i' in front of the name, in order for it to appeal to the masses, it's going to have to be cool looking, feature rich, and perhaps most importantly, widely available, and inexpensive.

    Apple doesn't do inexpensive very well.. and 'playing with others' isn't one of their strengths, either. Both are requirements to enter an already highly competitive cell phone marketplace.

    Apple needs to get back to what they do best, which is innovate in untapped or barely tapped markets where they really stand out and shine against the competition.. Apple II, Original Macintosh, iPod, etc. Not jump into an already saturated market with little to distinguish themselves between the competition but a pretty case.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley
  • miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley

  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 26, 04:04 PM
    Are we going to be alerted every time one of these companies comes out with something new and surpasses the other? Is this really news anymore? Is it really a rumor about things we care about? I wonder.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley Cyrus Covers Marie
  • Miley Cyrus Covers Marie

  • ikir
    Apr 20, 04:47 AM
    Apple copying the power of the HTC Sensation. They should also concentrate on the IOS because its a joke compared to other new smartphone operating systems.

    Troll time? Calling iOS a joke is a joke itself. Feel free to spam here, nice signature lol!

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. MILEY CYRUS 2011 PHOTOSHOOT

  • Multimedia
    Jul 24, 11:55 AM
    I sold my PowerMac dual 2.0 last week for top $$ before the new ones are released. Have you ever met anyone who made a profit on a computer 9 months later? Bought the dual processor from the apple store *right* after the dual cores were announced. They took $500 off. I can't believe what people are paying on eBay knowing that the change is days away. But, they still got a great machine below current market value.So how much did you sell it for and what technique did you use to sell it? :)

    BYW I would advise against selling a G5 Quad no matter how much more powerful the Intel Quad is. The first and only PPC with 4 cores is a true collectors' item that I would encourage anyone to buy instead of a Conroe Core 2 Duo Mac Pro. 4 cores trumps 2 cores no matter what the processor.

    Wonder if that's true or not. :confused: :eek:

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011
  • Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011

  • talkingfuture
    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    That cash mountain that Apple have must be really useful for this kind of thing.

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 pics. Always gorgeous Miley Cyrus
  • miley cyrus 2011 pics. Always gorgeous Miley Cyrus

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 09:31 AM
    Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.

    Welcome to the future guys. :mad:

    You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.
  • miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot.

  • skeep5
    Nov 3, 11:23 AM

    miley cyrus 2011 pics. miley cyrus 2011 pictures.
  • miley cyrus 2011 pictures.

  • tipdrill407
    Aug 7, 07:14 PM
    There are many of you I want to beat with a spiky stick right now. Let's consolidate you into one bullet-point list of whiners:

    Mar 28, 10:01 AM
    At face value, it would make more sense for Apple to announce the new iPhone in the fall along with the iPods. The iPod Touch and the iPhone are both iOS devices. And keep in mind there's all sorts of chatter about either a third generation iPad or an additional iPad model. So why not roll them all into one announcement in September?

    Of course, by keeping the announcements separate, Apple extends their publicity.

    I still expect an iPhone 5 announcement to be made at WWDC. Going longer than a year between updates gives competitors an advantage. And frankly, smartphone competitors are catching up.

    Mar 28, 10:08 AM
    Bad move to keep the iPhone out for 2 years. But if it is indeed the case the iPhone 5 better be really amazing,.

    Aug 2, 03:26 PM
    I think this is an oversight (we can call it oSight) by Apple. If you want to gain market share, especially for people who want high powered equipment. I worked in a small research for a while, like the above poster, there were NO cameras allowed including camera phones. This was a blanket policy for the whole facillity even if you had no security clearence. In this case it was required becasue they did a lot DoD research.

    So, right off these new computers (iMac, MB, MBP) are not options for a facility like this to use. Additionally, anyone who works there and ever wants to bring his/her personal laptop to work is sunk too.

    If was still working there I probably would have to opt for a differnt laptop.

    Compared to other computer brands Macs give their customers fewer add-on options. I don't know why. I guess it makes it easier for them. But, in this case I think not making the built in iSight an option (even if it is free, like the glossy screen in the MBP) is a mistake.

    Probably the main reason for few or no options is because of the 1" thick PowerBook model. That does not leave room to add anything. The next reason is just like air conditioning in new cars. The manufacture can sell it to everyone even if they don't want it. That increases profits. They use to have an external keyboard/mouse option which is also gone. So just look at the glossy screen as being different, not the norm for Apple.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Apr 23, 05:18 PM
    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Yeah. Barely fits on my screen and i have a 24" inch imac.

    it would be sick to have a 30" retina ACD. /dream

    Apr 10, 02:42 AM
    Again, I'd like to warn people: this is not always true. Even if you enter it exactly as above, your calculator will not always give you 288. Some will give you two. Some settings may give you two. Don't trust a calculator blindly.

    Reset your settings to default and you'll get 288. I've tried it on 7 calculators that I've found around the house. 6 of them equalled to 288 and the 7th one equalled to 2. But that calculator did not have the numbers entered exactly as in the OP. Or you can go try it on Google. Google doesn't lie.

    Looks like your sarcasm is on par with you math. When you have to explain sarcasm, it's not really sarcastic.

    It must be on par with your math skills then. Horrible.

