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robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn

robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen)
  • Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen)

  • roland.g
    Apr 6, 11:19 AM
    I LOL'd. I owned iPad 1 for a year, and while it's nice, it's a FAR, FAR cry from the productivity capabilities of the current gen MBA.

    Like it or not, iPad is SEVERELY CRIPPLED for content creation (i.e. real work), but excels at content CONSUMPTION. That's factual and completely undebatable. Everyone knows this.

    So, no, it's not "something better". It's a more viable choice for entertainment and consumption. That's it.

    I didn't say I use it for content creation or production capabilities. Desktop power. Screen real estate. I'll take my iMac with 24" screen over a notebook at 11.6 or 13.3. And my graphics and cpu power over that in an MBA. And when I want something instant on, and quick access, and light and mobile, I've got an iPad 2. Sorry, but read the whole post. I apologize if I'm not one of those people who kids themselves into thinking that a notebook is a viable "real work" machine.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • CTMoore
    Apr 5, 06:46 PM
    As someone who's attended NAB yearly, (and again this year) Apple has not had a presence there since and currently are NOT on the exhibitor list for this years convention. Will take pics if I'm wrong though.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 10:25 PM
    I use FCP and am VERY hesitant to go back to Premiere. Haven't used it since Premiere 6.0, and definitely do NOT want to go back. I have tens of thousands of dollars invested in Apple and FCP, and it would be a huge pain to abandon them. But I absolutely will jump ship if the next update to FCP doesn't show me that Apple is still paying attention to the professional users that initially were the bread and butter of the company.

    Although the only thing that will ultimately matter is what Apple releases on Tuesday, if you want to get an inkling as to why FCP development has been at loggerheads since do yourself a favour and read a couple articles from Philip Hodgett's blog on FCP, QTkit, Cocoa, and it's unfortunate collision with OSX's 64 bit platform development.


    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Rob and Kristen Playing Around
  • Rob and Kristen Playing Around

  • MacRumors
    Aug 26, 03:43 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    eWeek reported (http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,2006986,00.asp) that PC manufacturers are expected to announce availability of new Core 2 Duo (http://guides.macrumors.com/Core_2_Duo) (Merom) notebooks on Monday August 28th.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. 38 of 57. Robert
  • 38 of 57. Robert

  • hulugu
    Mar 24, 02:05 AM
    Amazing to see how most Democrats are willing to lie to themselves and ignore the hypocritical truth all around them... the leftist side of the antiwar movement is all but gone, but not because the policies have changed, only because the man has changed.

    ...We have complicated thoughts about the use of force in the world, which leads us to appear hypocritical when all things are made to appear equal to make straw....

    How does that Nobel Peace Prize taste now? Hopey? Changey?

    You would benefit from reading Obama's speech in Oslo:

    ...We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • ddekker
    Oct 22, 01:21 PM
    I heard Leo Laporte talking about this on his KFI podcast... exciting... one question... how many softwares take advantage of multi cores? I understand that the OS can deal with it for multi tasking, but how many programs multi thread?


    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Pictures of Robert Pattinson
  • Pictures of Robert Pattinson

  • TheKrillr
    Aug 27, 08:19 PM
    Are you sure that discount applies to the NEW Merom based Macs - I don't think so?

    I would assume so. The promotion applies to the Mac Pros i believe, and thats new hardware.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. 2 of 5. Robert
  • 2 of 5. Robert

  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 28, 05:17 AM
    Ensoniq, thanks so much for the useful corrections. How significant do you think that 64-bit capability will be in the future compared to not having it(say, 2-3 years time)?
    AFAIK, the Merom CPUs have an improved SpeedStep technology, so that
    on average the heat generation may infact be lower for Merom.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • DStaal
    Sep 13, 10:03 AM
    I'm just wondering if I can drop one of these into an iMac... Are they pin-compatible? Also sort of wondering about a heat issue.
    Nope - Different processor archetecture. Even if the pins were the same, the motherboards are different.

    Both Clovertown and Woodcrest are 'Xeon' chips, which is a particular processor family. Chips in one processor family may be replaceable with others from that family, but generally different families are not replacable with each other. (Unless specifially designed to do so.)

    Also, the iMac is a 32-bit computer, and these are 64-bit chips, reducing any possiblity to zero.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson amp; Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson amp; Kristen

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:40 PM
    what if you don't want to buy and apple display but still want to use front row? I think is has to be on the computer, but i think there will be new displays

    I'm sure it will have a sensor on the computer... but as an added selling point, a second sensor on the Apple display... so you can put your computer under your desk and still use Front Row.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Kristen Stewart Snapped
  • Kristen Stewart Snapped

  • Mac-key
    Apr 6, 09:25 AM

    Anxiously waiting to see what's coming!

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson Kristen

  • direzz
    Aug 7, 08:50 AM
    Well some people do. For instance, when I think of a video editing setup, I think of various monitors, a computer, and other devices are all locked into some kinda big rack. But I'm no video editor.

    Point is, without an IR sensor in the display, you wouldn't have the OPTION of hiding the computer away.

    what if your not using an apple display...

    an external ir reciever would make the most sense.

    your could put it on your desk and plug it into usb, or it could be wireless.

    not everyone uses those displays.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • Rafterman
    Apr 27, 08:12 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    It reminds me of a line from Futurama:

    Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 21st century?"

    Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games... and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.

    Well, Fry could have added our iPads and our phones too. Its disgusting already how much advertising has infiltrated our lives. You can't even read a news story on the internet without an ad being being intrusively shoved in your face.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. 4 of 5. Robert
  • 4 of 5. Robert

  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 21, 06:04 AM
    How about Super Mac :D[snip]

    I've already got one. A SuperMac C500 to be precise! (Well, actually it's an Apus 2000, but in the US it was the C500).

    SuperMac was the brandname UMAX used for thier Mac clones. Check out


    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 03:22 PM
    Who wants to go through the trouble of doing a software change to unlock their phone.
    It is a code you are given to unlock the cell. NOT a software change, unless the carrier changes the entire phone software.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 26, 04:22 PM
    same here! I just hope Sept 5th or sooner:D

    I would hope within the first few weeks of September at least. I shipments Apple was supposed to receive from overseas will reportedly hit on the 5th of September. After that, it would seem that all Apple has to do is ship products to the resellers and their online warehouses and begin selling them. I'm thinking the merom MBP's will start shipping to coincide with the Paris Expo next month though.

    Still, it's getting close. I went ahead and dropped some cash on my first .mac account/software. I just can't wait to start using it on my new merom MPB 2.33ghz 17".:cool:

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Saga: Breaking Dawn 1 and
  • Saga: Breaking Dawn 1 and

  • Apple Corps
    Aug 27, 09:27 AM
    good information, logical thought.

    do you think apple's $100M payoff to Creative*, and possible need to restate financial information for recent quarters/years because of questionable executive compensation, make the company more reluctant than might otherwise have been the case to intro new chips that are, in the beginning more costly and thus will reduce profits?

    *--i know, i know, it's only 1% of apple's cash reserves. But that's not meaningless money: trust me, companies make plenty of strategic decisions that affect their products' features, support quality, whatever, over amounts far less than $100M.

    Why are you saying the new chips will be more costly??? All reports indicate that Merom will release at the same cost as Yonah.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. 7 of 57. Robert
  • 7 of 57. Robert

  • rezenclowd3
    Nov 24, 09:36 PM
    Oh I forgot. Still no qualifying/race weekends. LAME.

    Why the F%^$ don't race games include the race weekend experience, especially if it's a sim? F1 2010 at least does, but that game, even post-patch is horrendous.

    From racing RC cars, and AutoXing, qualifying/practice is so much of the experience. I hate always starting halfway or last in the field like I am forced to be a noob. It seems instead they force one to use a better car than the rest of the field to win, or severely inhibit the AIs ability.

    robert pattinson and kristen stewart kissing in breaking dawn. Kristen Stewart, Robert
  • Kristen Stewart, Robert

  • firewood
    Mar 26, 06:47 PM
    I'm glad rosetta is going away. Maybe the dev will finally update the app.

    The dev is dead, too old to program anymore, or has long ago moved on to other companies and hobbies, etc. Maybe the source code depends on the PowerPlant framework, or is on a floppy disk that the dog chewed up. But thousands of Mac users still like using the old application a lot better than any of the new cr*plets.

    Maybe you'll volunteer to rewrite a new app as good or better, in every regard, for free?

    Apr 6, 03:44 PM
    I think it's great that some people like the Xoom, but for me it's a nonstarter.
    As a developer, 100,000 units is not even worth considering developing for. I know I'm not the only one. I really don't like the walled garden of the Apple App store, but it is where the tablets are at the moment.

    Super Dave
    Aug 5, 06:35 PM
    Recall that Tiger features saw significant UI overhauls (Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator) from the original Tiger demos at WWDC until it's reshowing at Macworld. Apple has no reason to rush this out after WWDC.

    You can bank on 07. First Half. No sooner than April.

    You're right that there is "no reason to rush" except it would be awfully fun to beat Vista to market AGAIN.

    David :cool:

    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Here are some of the issues with the iPod phone.

    In order to make the biggest splash, it will have to be available in both GSM and CDMA versions so that all of the big 4 carriers can use it. GSM is the international standard, so I'm sure they will have that *at least*.

    In order for it to matter, it will have to be able to access the music store over the air. Have you tried downloading an MP3 file, even on an EDGE connection? It sucks.

    The delay here has more to do with the networks. Until the 3G networks are fully rolled out (EV-DO on Verizon, UTMS on GSM, etc. etc.) and available beyond a few cities, this phone will just frustrate people. (Verizon's rollout has gone much further, but I would think given that CDMA is rare outside of the US that that fails to compensate for the fact that the GSM 3G is still in just a few markets.)

    The latest rumor is that wide-spread UTMS roll out will be in Q1 2007. When that happens, we'll see an iPod phone. It's not as if Apple couldn't have made an Apple-rific phone by now. The limitation isn't theirs, it's the networks'.

    In the meantime, you can get an HTC Tytn that will use 3G world wide and will play MediaPlayer... if you're into M$.

    Jun 10, 06:09 PM
    Gazelle (http://www.gazelle.com/) buys old iPhones too. :)

    Sep 19, 12:14 PM
    so... after reading here for a while i got a question, its kinda stupid, i'm good at that,
    first off, i was doubting between the 24" and the macpro so i disided that for my needs i should realy go with a macpro, but know that i'm hearing things about this 8 core macpro, i'm realy doubting about ordering my quad macpro this month,

    has anybody got an idea of how long it would be before apple launches " a macpro octo " :confused:

    thx for your time :)

    It's Apple. No-one has any idea when they'll do anything. :)

    It could be as soon as January, could be a lot later -- but I seriously doubt it'd be at the same price as a quad is now. I'd figure on a fairly major premium. It wouldn't surprise me if the OEM price of processors was in the $1200-1500 range alone (current 3.0GHz 5160's are around $900) for a lower clock-speed version.

    Which is fastest will very much depend upon how well your specific applications scale -- fewer, faster cores can often bear more slower cores, and scaling isn't linear -- traditional thought on SMP was that the first extra core you add adds 80-90% to the speed (for fully-threaded apps, obv.), the second adds about 60-70%, the third about 40%, and so-on... diminishing returns. This will be more so because each chip has a finite amount of bandwidth that is shared between all the cores -- more cores = more contention for the available bandwidth.

    Of course, the Mac Pro CPUs are socketed, so you can always go Octo at a later date if you so choose...

