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white house floor plan 1st floor

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  • professor08
    Apr 20, 05:07 AM
    If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.

    I dont agree. A 4" screen would be larger real estate, but that would mean developers would have to rewrite their apps to fit the new size. For example, the iPad has an obviously larger screen space, which means that developers had to scale their software up to match, because lets face it, the 2x button just makes things look like pixels and thats just awful, this is not SNES system.
    But the iPad has similar dimensions and screen ratio. But a 4" display would makes things look stretched, so developers would have to code each app to fit the new stretched screen. This would also be quite annoying on the app store, looking for apps which work on 3g, 3gs, i4 and i5 and iPad and iPad 2. It would just become a nuisance to download an app to see its stretched on older phones. this wouldn't be a good move by apple just yet. Apple like to care for older tech users, the 3g and 3gs users, and this larger screen would make apps not run as smoothly.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. Marina - First floor plan,
  • Marina - First floor plan,

  • Andronicus
    Mar 28, 09:53 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    There will be an iPhone 5 annoucement. Don't believe everything you read.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • genetechnics
    Jul 30, 06:14 AM
    Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.


    So we need cell computers.


    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • danpass
    May 7, 02:21 PM
    Over the air syncing for iWork documents on the iPad?

    I just started using it. More like online storage.

    I'm not yet certain if it syncs dropbox style but doesn't look that way so far (to me)

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • mrblah
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    My god thats an expensive computer. It seems like they went all out to try and make the most expensive computer possible. You HAVE to buy a quad Xeon desktop? Why? Some people need a tower for its PCI slots but dont want or need a quad Xeon setup. Cant they release a model that uses a regular processor like a Pentium 4 or whatever and price it for like $1000 cheaper? I guess Apple will continue to leave us middle-end users out in the cold. Mac Minis suck, iMacs dont meet the needs of a lot of people thanks to no PCI slots, Mac Pros only come with a quad Xeon(!?) and well set you back more than a used Honda Accord. Apple went WAY overboard with this thing without offering anything to fill in the gap between iMac and Mac Pro. Freakin hell.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • Northgrove
    Mar 30, 03:48 AM
    Too bad to hear, but I also have to think about the victims in Japan when hearing these kind of news, or unemployed workers due to the extensive damages. Those who want to build those batteries for us, but can't, and have to look after their family members instead. A situation an order of a magnitude worse than this... :(

    white house floor plan 1st floor. Plan of First Floor of Jack#39;s
  • Plan of First Floor of Jack#39;s

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 02:52 AM
    I appreciate that it's confusing upon first glance, but the answer simply cannot and should not be 2. If this were the case, math would be an ambiguous study.

    It might become more apparent with the equation:

    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction. As Wolfram Alpha interpreted, I intended for my equation to be read as:

    Thank you!

    Division should be written as a fraction "_" or ( ... )^-1. Nobody with maths skills beyond that of a ten year old should be using "/". This question is using this notation only because MR forums aren't good for writing equations. We must think of this in our heads as being a fraction, and ask how it would be written, and your's makes the most sense.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. Riverside Museum - First Floor
  • Riverside Museum - First Floor

  • ticman
    Dec 5, 10:21 AM
    The apple website lists the price as 119 + tax with free shipping.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. first floor plan
  • first floor plan

  • bossxii
    Apr 7, 09:35 PM
    It's a shame so many people have the attitude that outsmarting and dominating a market space is a bad thing. Just as all the people who hate Apple because they make money hand over fist. I for one am happy to ANY company in the US actually thriving. Capitalism lives and thank god they have the resouces and the smarts to not just survive but to kick ass and grow. Since when do we cheer for the sports team kicking everyone's ass to make mistakes so the weaker, under talented team can catch up?? Seriously who thinks this way? I'm so sick of the tree hugging, let's all play nice and help everyone out attitude. How about the slackers get off their @$$ and do something for themselves.

    I grew thinking and still believe if I outsmart/outthink and/or out work my fellow worker I can carve a comfortable living and maybe retire well before the slackers that want the handouts and go work for whatever hourly paycheck they can get by putting forth the least amount of effort.

    I have no issues with competition, that is the driving force in many aspects of life and business, but the crying because they are doing something to secure their own future is retarded. HP, Rimm and many other companies with more than enough resources to make a move, simply never did. They clearly lacked vision and leadership to launch a tablet first, let alone realize the huge demand that could, or now can be waiting to buy such tablets.

    Sad day when people so blind by some ridiculous feeling toward a company are to blind to realize it's simply good business practices.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • JRM PowerPod
    Nov 22, 06:06 AM
    Apple doesn't need to deliver a revolutionary phone-like device to grab marketshare. It's more about integrating a device within the system... and that is something Apple is good at.

    Phones, new features, and additional functionality are a dime-a-dozen. New bells and whistles are added all the time, that's not what the market needs. Someone (hopefully Apple!) needs to take some of these advancements and deliver a products that integrates them in a logical and intuative way.


    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • BWhaler
    Sep 16, 12:11 AM
    To be fair, I think you are thinking of MacOSRumors (MOSR), not MacOSXRumors. The former have a terrible record in regards to rumours (ie they make up everything), while the latter seem to be a bit more reliable. Shame they are named so similarly though.

    You're right.

    Thanks for the correction.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • Elijahg
    Apr 23, 08:02 PM
    Again, KDE 2.0, 10 years ago. My Pentium 2 333 mhz didn't break a sweat doing SVG icons then (the Krystal SVG icon theme). ;)

    I seriously doubt this is even an issue.

    I doubt it had to process translucency or resize 50 times per second for 30+ images though :P If it were as efficient as bitmaps, it'd be used for game textures for sure... A texture would scale to any size with no pixellation at all, and the details wouldn't get blurred out when scaling down.

    But I don't understand the resistance to SVG support, which would be a decade late. Sure it's not a shortcoming, but in light of these stories, it would be a "nicer to have".

    I do agree SVG support is a good thing, just I don't see it getting used much. Even with resolution independence, standard pixel images are much easier to handle.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • wordoflife
    Apr 9, 06:29 PM
    Official Google answer.

    You can do that?!??!

    Damn, Google can do everything.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • Neo Utopia
    Apr 24, 07:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Can't wait, a MBA with double the res, drawl.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. first floor plan
  • first floor plan

  • daneoni
    Jul 24, 03:28 AM
    Aplogies if this has been done before, and it's a little off-topic, but this is a link to an article about OS X performance on Core 2 Extreme (Conroe)


    Basically, they've installed a "floating" copy of OS X intel onto an intel mobo with C2E.

    I thought this line was particularly impressive:

    "These last two tests were also conducted on that same PC with Windows installed and we see the Mac performing as well as Windows in Cinebench and a mere 3% slower in Photoshop which is especially impressive considering that Photoshop CS2 was running under Rosetta on the Mac. "

    Who needs to wait for CS3?

    Edit: on reflection, I'm not sure if I believe this...do you think it might be a hoax?

    Yeah something just doesnt feel right. OS X recognises a 2.93GHz chip as 4GHz? and since when does Apple put in CPU features in system profiler?

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 09:51 AM
    That's crazy - I just found that site recently when searching for a potential hire... Found the dude's address, parents' name, the fact he had a sister, and how much his house was worth. First listing in Google results, too. And I don't even have an account with it. That was the free information...

    But keep in mind that the data might be wrong. I typed in my real name and it came up with me . . . but with details oddly wrong. Multiple accounts that could be me, but in each case with wrong data. I clearly have messed up some databases along the way (good).

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • biallystock
    May 6, 01:41 AM
    Oh, NO!

    Not yet another hardware transition and emulation.

    Apple never picks up the tab for this crap. It's always the user who pays and pays and pays.

    white house floor plan 1st floor. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • roocka
    Mar 28, 10:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Maybe this will give Apple more time to devote to perfecting the Liquidmetal battery for the LTE release. If that is the case, I'm totally excited for the three month wait. It wil cause Droid sales to fall off a cliff when it's announced!

    white house floor plan 1st floor. first floor plan
  • first floor plan

  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 02:34 PM

    It would be great if there was an even smaller one, now that Thunderbolt allows high speed expansion outside the box.

    Nov 25, 12:52 PM
    But the funniest thing will be when Apple introduces iPhone and achieves a success similar to that of the iPod...fanboys will come in droves to say that phone X has "FM tuners" or phone Y has "GPS blabla", without understanding that it's not the feature set that makes a winner, but integration AND simplicity...on verra!

    p.s.: and yep...without carrier agreements, no chance for a good story...most people get new phones WITH subscriptions that reduce such cell phone prices a lot...period.

    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Keep in mind that this is smartphone marketshare only. It doesn't include the iPhone and iPad, or android-based tablets. Include those and you'd have a much different picture.

    Edit: Small White Car gets it. Exactly what I was trying to say. Although I would argue it doesn't make sense to look at smartphones only even now.

    Mar 30, 08:40 PM
    I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.

    Thank you.

    Sep 15, 05:22 PM
    single 3ghz woodcrest MBP's next tuesday? drool..........

    Nov 22, 11:20 AM
    Good post. I'm still waiting for a phone that will easily (and thoroughly) sync with my Address Book and iCal, and I'm on the mac platform. So even some of the features you describe would be of immediate value to a lot of mac users.

    My experience with Symbian (Series 60) is that it does a very thorough sync'ing using iSync.... and of course there are many, many phones that do at least a loosely passable job... even my cute but dumb RAZR. Are you serious or joking?

