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blake lively haircut

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  • rxse7en
    Nov 29, 06:31 AM
    Time for Apple to change the paradigm again. I think it's time for Apple to start putting together a music production house. Offer musicians the ability to go direct to iTunes with all the marketing necessary to promote their catalogs. I'm not very familiar with the music industry, but I "think" Apple is quite prepared to create their own studios, handle their own promotion/marketing and already have a HIGHLY efficient distribution system in place. Granted, they are not supposed to be creating music according to their Apple Music agreement, but if they just bought Apple Music outright it would make a great fit, eh?


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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 5, 05:32 PM
    I like the BitTorrent idea, would make downloading software updates very fast, could also be cool if its used for that movie store we have been hearing so much about :p

    For legal uses, BitTorrent is awesome. I tried to download NeoOffice from their website, i was getting 20K. Over BitTorrent..... almost my max bandwidth. It was sweet. BitTorrent in an OS has many great possibilities.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hairstyle
  • Blake Lively Hairstyle

  • orthodoc
    Nov 28, 08:22 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    Getting squeezed out of a revenue stream is just part of being in business. Either adapt or go away. Nothing entitles them to a portion of the iPod sales. They make their money off of the sale of the actual music they produce. Should they get a portion of each computer sold as well? After all, the computer is used to both download and play the music. Dumb argument.

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  • lake lively haircut 2011.

  • Graham King
    Apr 6, 12:01 PM
    Just want to chime in on the Blu-ray issue. I shoot weddings professionally (~$60k per year) and a majority of my clients want Blu-ray. I encode with Compressor and author with Encore. It does the job just fine but I would love for DVDSP to support Blu-ray authoring. Doing menus and buttons in Encore is a major pain in the rear and if authoring Blu-rays could be as easy as authoring DVDs in DVDSP, I will be upgrading sooner rather than later.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hairstyle
  • Blake Lively Hairstyle

  • iSee
    Sep 13, 04:38 PM
    Damn! That's just cool (well, cool in a very geeky sort of way :rolleyes: ).

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  • davidcmc
    Mar 22, 03:01 PM
    Come: present tense. See: iPad2
    Will come: future tense. See: Samsung tablet.
    May come: conditional tense. See: RIM tablet.

    The prices are official. Stop this fanboy **** about "it's not released yet".
    Xoom has been released and sells well, although not so much as the iPad, but it still grabs some market share.

    You people keep trying to find problems where there are no problems.

    It's an official announcement, the tablets are officially coming with an official price that makes real front to the iPad, you accepting it or not.

    It's like you fanboy people hate the fact that competitors are doing well.
    The Galaxy Tab 8.9 and 10.1 are thinner than the iPad 2, that must be too much for fanboys hearts.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hairstyle
  • Blake Lively Hairstyle

  • irishv
    Mar 26, 04:25 PM
    I hope it's not killed. It's a neglected feature with so much potential, and it would be nice to see Apple do something with it. I was hoping they'd port the Apple TV interface into it. Plex and the other similar things just aren't quite right and lack the simplicity of front row. And iTunes is already a bloated slow piece of crap that needs a full re-write and a healthy diet. I get that it's the gateway app for Apple into Windows for their echo system, but the Windows version is worse than the Mac version. There has to be a way to clean it's gutters, but don't put anything more in there.

    I agree completely. When they first released it, Front Row seemed like a great way for Apple to test the water in the living room space. Unfortunately they just gave up on it after developing the AppleTV.

    Plex is definitely a step in the right direction, moving to a true client/server model. Apple has the pieces in place with Home Sharing and AirPlay, but it just seems like they refuse to put them together. A stripped down iTunes just for serving media and syncing to iOS devices would be sweet if another 10 foot interface could be used for playback.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Haircut for 2009
  • Blake Lively Haircut for 2009

  • aaronb
    Sep 19, 10:58 AM
    The fastest?

    If that were the case, no one here would be complaining...

    Fastest in terms of the fastest notebook that Apple offers.

    blake lively haircut. Photo of Blake Lively
  • Photo of Blake Lively

  • tazinlwfl
    Apr 25, 02:25 PM
    I think most people are missing this key bit of info - Location Services was turned off and the database was purged, and it still made a new database with new data...

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hair Styles
  • Blake Lively Hair Styles

  • silverblue3
    Aug 26, 07:49 PM
    What's the GPU on the new mbp gonna be? Bring on the SLI GPU's ;) Will give alienwares a run for their money.

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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Aug 17, 02:30 PM
    Show.. me.. the.. games...

    LOL, us gamers all sound kinda like broken records :)
    And for what purpose? Would any of you drop the $3500 needed to upgrade to the latest Mac Pro? Or is it just the drool factor, like when you look through Car and Driver and drool over an $80K sports car?

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  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 06:40 PM
    Proof that Samsung ripped off Apple's rip off of Delicious Library?

    Apple hired the young fellow that did the UI for delicious library... sadly his name escapes me at the moment. But yeah, the kid brought is book shelves with him.;)

    blake lively haircut. lake lively haircut.
  • lake lively haircut.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Nov 28, 09:49 PM
    It would be a nice idea.

    Nice. idea. For whom, you greedy scum? :mad:

    **** them and their greed. I shall say no more.

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  • lake lively hairstyles 2011.

  • jvmxtra
    Apr 6, 04:03 PM
    wait, theres other brands of tablets out there?

    love it!!

    blake lively haircut. lake lively haircut.
  • lake lively haircut.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 11:01 AM
    So are the current MacBook airs using a dedicated gpu? Or is it integrated? I'm confused. :-)

    They use an IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor) manufactured by nVidia and incorporated to the "chipset" (south bridge) that is the 320m.

    SB ships an IGP integrated on the CPU die itself, manufactured by Intel.

    The nVidia solution is better for graphics performance.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively wearing high
  • Blake Lively wearing high

  • JAT
    Mar 22, 02:06 PM
    I'm glad that RIM and Samsung come with those prices.
    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.
    Come: present tense. See: iPad2
    Will come: future tense. See: Samsung tablet.
    May come: conditional tense. See: RIM tablet.

    blake lively haircut. lake lively hairstyles.
  • lake lively hairstyles.

  • MacinDoc
    Aug 26, 02:38 PM
    We also shouldn't feel good just because Dell also does not handle it too well. After all, Dell has more batteries to replace and has a shorter period of time for preparations. Supposingly, Dell provides bargain PCs, while Apple tends to charge a premium for their products. Can't Apple customers deserve better services? Shouldn't Apple be better? Should we all lower our expectations from Apple and ask for a cheaper price instead?
    Dell is also a larger company with a larger customer service department and a larger distribution network, which is designed for factory direct to home shipping, so it should have less trouble than Apple with this recall.

    With respect to Dell providing bargain PCs, Robert Weston (Associated Press) (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060823/ap_on_hi_te/tech_test_mac_pro_3) and Yuval Kossovsky (Computerworld) (http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9002545&source=NLT_MAC&nlid=62) have recently concluded that Apple, not Dell, offers the best current bargain PCs (at least for their specs).

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hairstyle #1
  • Blake Lively Hairstyle #1

  • ksz
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    Jobs and Raskin were both proponents of that concept, and it lives in in some of the userbase.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jef Raskin at his home in Pacifica a year before he passed away. He loved to play musical instruments and performed a short recital on his piano. Later that evening, after showing his Apple I in a wooden box, he encouraged me to read his book The Humane Interface and let him know what I thought about it. Sadly, I wasn't able to do that in time. But the conversation we had made it clear that he was not a fan of Steve Jobs. They both had strong opinions on various aspects of UI design. Even though I rather like OS X, Raskin politely argued against the inefficiencies of that design.

    It was some time ago and I don't remember all the details from that night, but Raskin, I think, was more scientific in his approach. He preferred to study user response rates, time-to-decision, amount of eye movement, amount of pointer movement, number of mouse clicks, and various other factors that might contribute to 'dead' or wasted time.

    blake lively haircut. Blake Lively Hair
  • Blake Lively Hair

  • bradc
    Jul 27, 11:19 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4�s 95 watts and Pentium D�s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    Don't ask! Hahahaha, the G5's run hot, I'd hate to know how much they're sucking but with a 600W power supply...it's a lot;)

    Jul 27, 02:29 PM
    While I like your thinking, your mock-up is wrong. If Apple are going to release a mid-Tower it has to appeal to both gamers and those looking for a headless iMac. They would really have to bring out about three main models, one which was basically an upgradable iMac spec for a couple to few hundred bucks less than the real deal and two higher spec conroes, (short of Mac Pro though). From what I can see, yours looks too small to easily customise, which would appeal to gamers.

    Single optical, single HD (2nd slot free), assume better specs will mainly lie with graphics and ram.
    I'm not much of a gamer, so take this with a healthy grain of salt...

    Gamers seem to like to do a few things:

    Aug 11, 11:54 AM
    Oh my god....this phone....sigh....this phone...

    This is the new G5 Powerbook....so many rumors/front page stories....

    it's tiresome...

    yes, I want one....but I'm tired of the speculation.

    Jul 27, 12:18 PM
    With things like this, my rule is: If you have to ask, then you can't do it :-(

    How true. The processor is soldered to the logic board on the notebooks It is in a socket in the iMac. So yes iMacs will be easy to upgrade but MB and MBP will require conciderable level of skill and some very specialized equipment. There may be 3rd parties offing the upgrade some day

    Why would they solder the CPU? Saves the space of a socket. Heat transfer is better, very little chance of it comming loose. Those socets add not a small amount of height to the chip

    Mar 31, 03:50 PM
    I cannot help shake the feeling that some of the vitriol from certain people is the fear that a more coherent and unified Android ecosystem is an even bigger threat to the iOS platform.

    First, I have a Dell Streak. Wanted to see what the fuss was about. Took a year for the official Froyo release to appear. Yeah, fragmentation exists.

    (I appreciate Android on the Streak, but GOOD GOD does it feel like a laggy piece of software compared to my iPhone and iPad. It has widgets and tons of convenient apps for pirating software or games (no... I own ALL those ROMS)... but I digress.)

    So, Android unifies. Google forces handset/tablet manufacturers to adopt a stock OS interface. How will they differentiate themselves? What incentive, beyond a free OS, will there be to creating "phone B" that looks just like "phone A". This is where Google will shoot itself in the foot. The less the carriers and handset manufacturers can customize, the less incentive they have to launch on Android. Heck, just emulate Android if you want the apps, right RIM?

    Weren't there waves a few weeks about about Motorola wanting its own OS? I'd want to control my own destiny. This is creating a "walled garden" (Andy as caretaker) for the device manufacturers/carriers, and they're the ones that Google needs to be pushing the platform.

    Aug 25, 08:26 PM
    Right. Because the whole "if your battery's serial number falls within this range, this range, or this range" concept was so terribly difficult to grasp.

    No, because different versions of the ranges were initially posted only recently has it been clarified...get with the program and stop trying to be a smartass

