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circulatory system veins and arteries

circulatory system veins and arteries. are veins, arteries,
  • are veins, arteries,

  • vincenz
    Apr 7, 01:28 PM
    Oh the things you can do with enough money....

    circulatory system veins and arteries. fetal pig circulatory system.
  • fetal pig circulatory system.

  • 42streetsdown
    May 6, 01:54 AM
    No.. They make mobile processors. Low power usage.
    If you read the article again, it ays the rumor is for laptops. Very doubtful apple will move the desktop line to an ARM processor as there is nothing that competes with the current tech.
    For laptops (specifically the air), the move may make sense. I don't see apple moving the whole macbook pro line to ARM. maybe the airs and the regular macbooks.

    It still wouldn't be worth the software fragmentation that would take place. Plus, Intel has continued to make their possessors more power efficient.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. stock vector : Principal veins
  • stock vector : Principal veins

  • Vantage Point
    May 7, 04:55 PM
    Well, I just bought it because I need to sync my computers. However, I do not believe Apple would do this for free :rolleyes: At $99/yr list price it is a lot but I wouldn't mind paying $25/year. Better yet, Apple should include it as a free service for those with Apple Care to leverage people into buying the extended service, For others, charge $25 - $50/year. Heck, we pay a premium for Apple products, they should throw us a bone every now and then.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. open circulatory system
  • open circulatory system

  • ticman
    Nov 20, 09:00 AM

    man u have just ruined my day. LOL I had convinced myself to wait until beginning of Dec and now I am going to have to go the Apple store and pay full retail unless someone else finds an alternative.

    I wonder what happened--sounds like forces came to bear.

    anyway, thanks as usual for keeping us informed.


    circulatory system veins and arteries. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM

  • Captain Planet
    May 7, 01:08 PM
    Oh man! That would be great... but I have a hard time seeing Apple do this. I'd be happy with like a "basic" version that'd be free... and for those who want the whole package, some sort of fee... but not $99 per year. Only time will tell I guess.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. The circulatory system
  • The circulatory system

  • Multimedia
    Aug 11, 11:17 PM
    I'm not interested in purchasing a laptop yet... I was waiting for merom to make its way into a MB.... but also for Leopard so I don't have to pay $100 to upgrade in 4 months.

    But, I also think the real update is with the Santa Rosa chipset... faster FSB... more ram.... 802.11N!!!!

    Thats a big update compared to this.

    I'm watching this though to see how quickly they update their models after a new product is announced, I mean its no longer like PPC days when they would be sitting waiting for the chip to arrive ... late....delayed...and generally just missing.... now they have to keep their computer up to date with the chips.

    A quicker roll-out really would ease my mind, since that hopefully shows that Santa Rosa will be equally swiftly doled out.

    HD screen
    7 hr battery for bare min. use

    Thats the sweet spot. The last two would be icing on the cake... that would be wonderfully sweet from the blu-ray...

    but hey... I think that will really show that apple is on the forefront of technology ... the EXTREME EDGE...Leopard is in 9 months not 4. And Santa Rosa is in the same 9 months. I like you would rather have Santa Rosa inside with Leopard. I may go minimum Merom MacBook Refurb meanwhile. I fugure they'll hit the SAVE page by November. I think Blu-Ray is way overrated and not likely to get inside for another year if ever.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Circulatory System
  • Circulatory System

  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:34 AM
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    Has anyone ever considered that the media mac would not be a hardware upgrade to the mini but a software one via itunes 7
    or is it just me?

    circulatory system veins and arteries. The walls of the arteries
  • The walls of the arteries

  • iJawn108
    Sep 15, 10:16 PM
    New macbook pros will be made of tungsten maybe? :p

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Capillaries, along with veins
  • Capillaries, along with veins

  • peharri
    Aug 2, 03:29 PM
    "So, with the new Core 2 Duo based Xserve, and Leopard's November release, this is going to be the best year for Macintosh ever. One last thing. I'd like you to take a look at this."

    As Steve says this, a flunky wheels a large object covered by a black sheet onto the stage, and then departs. Steve smiles at the crowd, winks, and then lifts the sheet off with the flair of a magician. The audience goes "Woo" at what appears to be a huge, glowing, apple.

    "It's really neat isn't it? The surface isn't glass, it's actually solid man-made diamond. That's right. Diamond. The light inside is generated by passing electricity through a gas field generating plasma."

    Sparks appear to fly from the center of the apple - four feet high excluding stem and just as wide - to the sides, while the center flows different colours... red, blue, red again, green, white, bright bright white, the apple suddenly "turns off" but then begins to glow red again. The apple hums and occasionally crackles.

    "Now, the stem of the apple is actually titanium plated, and you can reposition it in any direction you want. And, of course, it's low power, the entire apple uses less electricity than a night light. It's controlled using Airport. Let me demonstrate."

    Steve walks to the computer console while the audience begins to get puzzled and restless.

    "You can make the entire thing green just by clicking on a button... there"

    The apple turns green, varying the shades between the very dark and the black. Lightning continues to spark from the center to the sides.

    "Good for you who like granny-smiths. We can also make a golden delicious..."

    ...the apple turns yellow. There's a crackling noise, but it's somehow comforting.

    "...or even go for red."

    The apple flashes red, and then changes back to random colours. Finally, a click of a mouse, and the colours line up into stripes, reminding everyone of the classic Apple logo. There is confused applause from the audience.

    "We have these in a variety of sizes. You can get this four foot model for just $399, from the Apple Store right now. Yes, we're selling it today, in sizes of 3 feet, four feet, and eight feet. Thanks for coming to see us today, see you next year!"

    With that, the master salesman leaves the stage, his audience stunned.

    Within minutes, the entire first run of 1,500,000 4' apples is completely sold out.

    By Christmas, the entire country will have huge glowing apples in every home.

    By July, apples will be exchanged as a symbol of peace. Iraqis will proudly have huge glowing apples placed on every home, symbolising the return to tranquility in that forsaken region.

    In Apple will withdraw the iPod. Nobody needs it any more. Nobody wants it. A huge, useless, glowing apple will be all anyone will want.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. The one-way circulatory system
  • The one-way circulatory system

  • heisetax
    Aug 2, 03:26 PM
    I think this is an oversight (we can call it oSight) by Apple. If you want to gain market share, especially for people who want high powered equipment. I worked in a small research for a while, like the above poster, there were NO cameras allowed including camera phones. This was a blanket policy for the whole facillity even if you had no security clearence. In this case it was required becasue they did a lot DoD research.

    So, right off these new computers (iMac, MB, MBP) are not options for a facility like this to use. Additionally, anyone who works there and ever wants to bring his/her personal laptop to work is sunk too.

    If was still working there I probably would have to opt for a differnt laptop.

    Compared to other computer brands Macs give their customers fewer add-on options. I don't know why. I guess it makes it easier for them. But, in this case I think not making the built in iSight an option (even if it is free, like the glossy screen in the MBP) is a mistake.

    Probably the main reason for few or no options is because of the 1" thick PowerBook model. That does not leave room to add anything. The next reason is just like air conditioning in new cars. The manufacture can sell it to everyone even if they don't want it. That increases profits. They use to have an external keyboard/mouse option which is also gone. So just look at the glossy screen as being different, not the norm for Apple.

    Bill the TaxMan

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Cardio-respiratory System
  • Cardio-respiratory System

  • Umbongo
    May 6, 06:14 AM
    I was a little worried until I saw who wrote the article. It's Charlie Demerjian and I've never seen a tech journalist as full of **** as he is. No need to worry, Apple ain't switching to ARM chips in their Macs.

    Completely agree. Apparently these days if you have the title of analyst or have had articles published on an established website you can say what ever you want about Apple and it will be discussed on every podcast, newsite and forum as if it is plausible because people want to talk about Apple.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Heart amp; circulatory system
  • Heart amp; circulatory system

  • phatpat88
    Jul 30, 02:12 AM
    Frankly, I don't buy engaget's report.. a "tech-unsavvy friend" sounds like complete BS. All the pros that would do something like that for apple would certainly be tech savvy, they have to now...

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Arteries in the pulmonary
  • Arteries in the pulmonary

  • macenforcer
    Aug 7, 05:47 PM
    3ghz Xeon = 80W
    2.66ghz Xeon = 65W
    2ghz Xeon = 65W

    Looks like the 2.66ghz Xeon is the best bang for buck and heat.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. The arteries are said to
  • The arteries are said to

  • zed
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    I spent two weeks in Ireland with my iPhone 4 and had location services + data and cell service turned off and it did not track my location at all during the entire stay. I did use wifi almost every day while there... and really only had my phone b/c the camera in the iPhone4 is much much better than my old Fujifilm point-and-shoot.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. in the circulatory system
  • in the circulatory system

  • dernhelm
    Aug 4, 01:41 PM
    I'm in the same boat (but upgrading from a 867MHz TiBook). I figure if there's no iMac introduced, I pull the trigger on getting a refurb iMac core duo.

    So have you purchased refurbed from Apple previously? I've never done that, but I was wondering what your experience was like.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Major Arteries and Veins of
  • Major Arteries and Veins of

  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 10:41 PM
    Application Launcher - Useful for organizing apps
    Versions - Useful for those who don't leave an external HDD plugged in at all times.
    Resume - Useful when you need to restart your Mac
    Mission Control - Useful because you can view EVERYTHING on your Mac at a quick glance your windows, spaces, full screen apps, dashboard, etc.
    Lion Server - Server functionality that wasn't there before unless you bought a server capable Mac.
    Air Drop - Useful for quick file sharing.
    Full screen apps - Useful when you are only doing one thing on your Mac or when you are using an app that uses a lot of real estate.

    Want me to explain any more features for you?

    Well said. I think Mac OS X Lion is a game changer. I am very impressed with it.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Major Arteries and Veins of
  • Major Arteries and Veins of

  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 01:11 PM
    America is getting bent over and the dummies in the Tea Party are championing for their own destruction. Here is a link to the story about the Real Housewives of Wall Street.


    I strongly recommend people do whatever they can to watch the Documentary Inside Job.


    It's red face enraging to see how much money was pocketed by rich *******s in this country while working americans were losing their homes.

    Read that a bit earlier. Taibbi is just about the only journalist reporting on this. How sad.

    circulatory system veins and arteries. HUMAN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 12:03 PM
    I think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums. I forgot about the deadline today. That would indicate they may announce the new MBPs Tuesday as others have predicted already according to the student Free iPod offer deadline. Thanks for the reminder and good luck.

    Limey iPod deal ends October 7th :D http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore

    circulatory system veins and arteries. Circulatory system, artwork
  • Circulatory system, artwork

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 07:58 PM
    For the budget conscious, you can order a 2GHz MacIntel Pro for only $1962 with a 160GB HD. Since 250 GB Hds are only $70 these days - recently 400 GB was $99 at Fry's, yes SATA/300 Maxtor - Getting rid of the Apple 250 for a 160 is worth saving $67.

    Apple's $400 price for 500GB HDs is Absurd. Fry's $99 for 400GB Maxtor SATA/300 on Memorial Day is more reasonable wouldn't you say?

    The above is all based on the Educational pricing. But even the retail pricing is better saved than spent. ;)

    My GUESS is that the 2GB MacIntel Quad is about the same speed or a little slower than the G5 Quad. But I love the 6 bays and additional ports in it.

    I'm looking forward to teh benchmarks on the 2GHz Mac Pro Quad Vs. The 2.5GHz PM G5 Quad. That will tell quite the story. Note the SATA bus is 300 vs 150 on the G5.

    But it is only about 15% more money - $270 Ed or $300 Retail - for 33% More Power. So the 2GHz model becomes an "it's all I can afford" model. Or only need for non-speed intensive applications.

    Looks like a 3GB RAM config will cost at least almost $400 more - getting 2GB from third party. So pretty much a $2900 deal - Educational (plus HDs) for minimum 3GB setup on the 2.66GHz model - including 8% CA Sales Tax.

    Apr 22, 12:00 AM
    During the Sundance Film Festival which happens here, we were ingesting nearly 12 hours of footage and producing 6 hours of content (live shows, pre-taped shows, packaged shows) a day.

    Not to sound harsh or anything, but maybe you guys should be charging more for your services. The way you described how much work you guys are doing over there, you should be able to afford a new MacPro for everyone there...and maybe a couple grip trucks...

    Mar 29, 02:15 PM
    Hey Apple,
    I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...

    Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:

    No, not really.

    Just not funny at all.

    Apr 5, 02:55 PM
    I agree 100%.
    In case you haven't picked up - I have a passion for asians, so I was agreeing that there should be 75% of asian girls sitting on unaffordable cars wallpapers in Cydia.

    May 6, 02:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Umm guys? OS X already runs on ARM. It's called iOS. The developer tools to create this from standard obj-c already exist in Xcode.

    Retiring or updating certain legacy API would be pretty easy (with a 3-5 yr time span) to make Xcode easily compile fat binaries that run on either architecture.

    Also, what does apple pay for 1k ARM CPU bs intel? Far, far less. This would give apple a very competitive price advantage.

    An ARM MacBook air for example could run 100% cool for a very long time.

    Finally, heavy utilization of grand central dispatch and open cl (which modern apps like final cut pro x support) could even do all this with adequate performance.

    I think the rumor source is making stuff up, but this isn't as far fetched as it sounds and actually fits with apples strategy. Don't be so fast to knock it.

    Apr 21, 03:03 PM
    They cannot just abandon the rack mounted server market. Making the mac pro into a 3U format with optional rack mount ear would be ideal. However, to merge the Pro and Server market, I'd like to see:

    1. At least 4 Hot Swap drive bays that don't require the unit being removed.
    2. Redundant power supply option
    3. I'd love for it to be less than 24" deep. Going 3U, this shouldn't be hard at all.

    Hell, supermicro just released a new 1U case with Redundant PSU, only 19.8" Deep and has 4xSATA/SAS hot swaps. It's the 813MTQ-R400CB. Cannot wait to snag one.

