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elm tree pics

elm tree pics. NYT on Elm Tree Drama
  • NYT on Elm Tree Drama

  • Multimedia
    Sep 15, 05:20 PM
    Agreed at the latest. Gotta have the easy access HD bay like the MacBook or I will not adopt. :D

    elm tree pics. New England#39;s oldest elm tree
  • New England#39;s oldest elm tree

  • Phil A.
    Apr 18, 02:48 PM
    I'm surprised it's taken this long, to be honest: I've thought for a long time that Samsung's phones in particular are pretty much a blatant rip-off of Apple's industrial design and user interface.
    HTC have shown that they can produce an innovative and different interface with their Sense UI, but Samsung seem to just want to rip-off Apples look and feel

    elm tree pics. The size of Chinese elm tree
  • The size of Chinese elm tree

  • kalsta
    May 3, 08:57 PM
    You missed my point; it isn't progress because it's an enormous step backward. It's not the "learning something new" part, it's the "throwing away everything you already know."

    Semantics. Your argument boils down to the pain of change.

    I would see your point if switching everything to metric would actually make things more efficient, but it wouldn't. People who use Imperial units are already comfortable with it - the system already works, and isn't broken.

    Again, the real crux of your argument is that people are 'comfortable' with what they already know. If you were to put that aside and judge between the two systems objectively, I can't see how anyone would actually choose imperial over metric. Metric is the future. No, check that — it's actually the present. You're living in the past Tomorrow.

    elm tree pics. Perhaps this elm tree is not
  • Perhaps this elm tree is not

  • heisetax
    May 4, 08:34 PM
    I think I'll go with the App store method. I don't like discs lying around. I don't forsee having to ever have to install the OS from scratch however I do wonder how one would restore their backup from Time Machine in the event that their disk gets borked.

    Just do the title item.

    Many times I find it easier to start from a fresh start when I install new hard drives. This happens usually once a year with a newer & larger hard drive. Other time I just use Carbon Copy Cloner to do the job for me.

    elm tree pics. Elm Tree Fairy
  • Elm Tree Fairy

  • MythicFrost
    Apr 26, 02:54 AM
    iPad 2 not being retina is not a good example when talking about desktops. First, there are no battery issues to deal with for a desktop. Second, there heat issues but less so since the screen isn't held in your hand. And third, you can raise costs if you are talking about a high end screen to attach to your high end Mac Pro. Apple can target the "money is no object crowd" with some of its offerings. Apple sells $1,000 displays already and I'm not sure that they couldn't sell a $2,000 retina level display. I'd consider it. Yeah it would be a lot of money but I would expect the screen to last five years and I use my computer everyday. Would I spend about a dollar a day to have retina on a 27" screen? I'd at least consider it.

    That said, I don't know if the technology is there yet. Could a current Mac Pro run a retina screen without a hiccup? I'd still 60 FPS on Crysis. :p
    Interestingly enough, there should be no more power drain nor heat produced on an iPad with a retina display than there is without.

    I also remember reading an article a while ago that pinned a 2048x1536 retina display for the iPad at ~3x the current iPad's display price. Although, I'm not sure if it was real or not, I think it was though.

    elm tree pics. Elm Tree
  • Elm Tree

  • BruiserBear
    Apr 20, 08:18 AM
    I'm really surprised Apple would wait an additional 3 months to update their phone. It seems like this market is getting more competitive by the quarter, and giving the competition another 3 months to catch up just seems like a bad idea.

    Especially when the update isn't even that big. It would be one thing if this was an entirely new design.

    Maybe the delay is entirely related to the Japanese earthquake.

    elm tree pics. Historic #39;Old Elm#39; Tree Marked
  • Historic #39;Old Elm#39; Tree Marked

  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    I find this highly implausible. There is no way that Apple is going to let the iPhone fall too far behind Android phones. Maybe the design won't change much but the iPhone will certainly be updated.


    We already know that the iPhone is going to get the A5 chip in the next iteration and have already seen covers designed for the iP5.

    elm tree pics. Mountain Ash and Elm Tree help
  • Mountain Ash and Elm Tree help

  • Scottgfx
    May 6, 01:43 AM
    Isn't ARM a RISC processor? We just switched from RISC to CISC. And now we're going back?

    If my understanding of processor architectures are correct, the CISC processors have become a hybrid. There's a core part that is probably more similar to a RISC and a pre-processor that translates the CISC operations to the core. At least this was my understanding of the AMD Thunderbird chips from 10+ years ago. RISC chips moved in a similar and opposite direction, adding more instructions. Kind of counter to the original idea of RISC.

    elm tree pics. John CONSTABLE | Elm trees in
  • John CONSTABLE | Elm trees in

  • SteveW928
    Mar 27, 02:16 PM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    Yea, Amazon is in a WAY better position technology wise, and track record wise with this kind of service. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Apple has up there sleeve.

    elm tree pics. American Elm tree?
  • American Elm tree?

  • AppleIntelRock
    Sep 16, 03:10 PM
    Quick question,

    Is it possible to order online and pick up in a specified store when available?

    This would be the most convinient way for me to purchase when the new MBP's come out.

    if the new mpbs come out

    elm tree pics. The sign of the Elm Tree Inn
  • The sign of the Elm Tree Inn

  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 24, 02:54 AM
    I think Apple is simply futureproofing here, and we won't see Retina displays for 3+ years, when it would be more feasible.

    I agree with you, though, it would be nice if Apple was more serious about their GPUs. Maybe the switch to retina will force them to be.

    Usually a new Mac OS is released every two years. Why inlude those now?

    elm tree pics. Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
  • Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

  • Sydde
    Apr 14, 03:31 PM
    This sewing circle uses sarcasm time-to-time.

    My mother liked to wear this T-shirt at the most inappropriate events


    (though, at the time, hers was red)

    elm tree pics. slippery elm tree and then
  • slippery elm tree and then

  • treysmay
    Aug 7, 04:00 PM
    no frontrow?

    elm tree pics. Elm Tree
  • Elm Tree

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 4, 10:23 AM
    I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in the iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook Pro line and before Xmas in everything else.

    If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.

    elm tree pics. stock photo : Elm trees lining
  • stock photo : Elm trees lining

  • Jape
    Nov 3, 04:30 PM
    what a rip off, tomtom is a joke. sub par navigation app $99 and another $119 for their stupid car mount that does nothing but improve gps signal. they are r@ping many people.

    well i do agree with you that it is to expensive, but it does a little more than improve the gps. It also works as a hands free calling device with a speaker, charges your iphone, works with other gps apps, and plays your music through your car stereo.

    elm tree pics. NT6837 : A dead elm tree at
  • NT6837 : A dead elm tree at

  • gavers
    Mar 31, 09:51 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    I think you're on to something here. Personally I prefer colour icons, they're quite easy for me to recognise when I'm not using my glasses.

    But for the non-icon approach just take a look at Gmail for example -- no icons, just text links and it's easy to use. Hotmail recently switched to a mostly icon-free interface and I find it easier to use than the previous icon-ladened design. Then look at the usability nightmare that is Yahoo mail with its icon infested UI.

    Reading reviews for the Color app it seems that labelless icons are very unwelcome. And I agree, Color's cryptic unlabeled icons defy logic.

    As far as Mac OS X 10.7 goes I think they should either have colour icons or no icons at all. The gray icons are a waste of space. By the time I can make out what the icon is, I've already read the text next to it.

    Waht isn't monetined is taht plepoe raed msltoy by rcensignoig seaphs. Which is why you were able to read that sentence without much struggle, if any. So well defined icons with unique shapes would be good, or colours that stand out. But colourless, shapeless icons (such as in Mail.app) are all but useless.

    elm tree pics. an isolated elm tree Stock
  • an isolated elm tree Stock

  • Abyssgh0st
    Apr 9, 05:18 PM
    After reading people's thoughts about it, without a calculator/computer doing the calculation your answer with be based off of which method you use to follow the order of operations.

    elm tree pics. The Chinese elm bonsai tree
  • The Chinese elm bonsai tree

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 30, 12:38 PM
    What happens if I'm listening to a song with my headphones and a call comes in. Will it pause the song and allow me to answer the call? Will I be able to use the headphones for the call? Will they build a microphone into that I don't have to hold the thing up to my head like some cell's speaker phones do?

    It seems reasonable to assume that the cell phone will pause your music, and you will be able to talk into a mic on the headset. Additionally, there would probably be a button on the headset so you can answer and hang up a call (and adjust volume/tracks) without taking the phone out of your pocket. My ancient Samsung Uproar (http://www.samsungtelecom.com/uproar/index.html) had all those capabilities (and a whopping 64 MB RAM!) more than 5 years ago.

    (I actually really liked that phone...I only stopped using it because I had to switch from Sprint due to unbearable lack of reception.)

    elm tree pics. Patriot Elm Tree
  • Patriot Elm Tree

  • Eidorian
    Mar 29, 02:25 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?I am stuck in a limbo where I want the phone for everything that it does except the phone part...

    Apr 18, 03:55 PM
    Can only be 1 reason, Apple are worried.

    If they felt totally confident in their product then they would not feel any threat from others and need to try something like this on.

    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    You guys clearly have no idea how patents work.

    Absolutely not True......they MUST sue or they lose rights to the patent. Its the way the system works

    No. They're protecting their IP.

    Ding ding! We have a couple winners. Finally someone on MR that gets it.

    Show me something that works as well BEFORE Apple demoed the iPhone.

    Technology =/= usability.

    If you hate Apple then why are you doing here?

    Because it's Mac Rumors. Where the trolls/Apple bashers roam.

    Mar 27, 01:00 PM
    iPad 2 HD

    coming september 2011

    $999 / �799

    same specs and design as 64GB iPad 2, but with 2048x1536 screen, at 264ppi.

    Aug 7, 04:30 PM
    Just got home from work and went on line as fast as my slow PC would boot.

    Lots of power, loads of expansion and 2 optical drive slots! (:p )

    But still way way too expensive.

    Still going to build a Core Duo 2 2.13Ghz PC, and still wishing Apple would create a computer that i want to buy.

    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    That's bending the definition of a phone to the extreme. I can make phone calls on my Mac Pro too. It's only a teeny bit bulkier than my phone :rolleyes:. Should I consider my mac Pro as phone? Of course not.

    Look. A tablet is not a phone, okay? Nobody is going to carry an iPad in his pants all day.

    A tablet is much closer to being a replacement to a laptop than to being a phone.

    Apr 25, 10:31 AM
    1. People who are scared by the media and do not think it through enough to see the media have it wrong.

    There are quite a few things the media has wrong, but what it does have correct is asking "what is the point of the location database"

    2. People who like to stir up trouble for the sake of trouble.

    Unfortunately with every one of these issues these people exist, on both side. The people who make too much of an issue and make it seem as though people with legit concerns are just being too anal and those who downplay a legit issue and call EVERYONE else trolls or etc even if they have legitimate concerns and are not caught up in the hype. I see both types posting here.

    3. People who hate Apple and use any excuse to blast them, true or not.


    4. People who are paid to provide misinformation against Apple.


