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  • PBF
    Mar 26, 05:52 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?
    Maybe not the worst, but definitely the most useless.

    Spotlight does a so much better job.

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  • Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

  • radiohead14
    Apr 6, 11:45 AM
    as long as the new MBAs will have longer battery life (7+ preferably), then i'm cool with the HD 3000 in there, as the MBA's purpose is to be an ultra portable

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 07:21 PM
    if anyone knows how to change architectures its Apple. we all know they've got OS X running on an iPad already it the labs.

    iOS is Mac OS X, just for ARM-processors and optimized for the platform.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 09:38 AM
    I wish these people would just be honest and tell the American people their real motivation; we don't want a n***** in the White House.

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  • katie holmes wedding dresses.

  • aly
    Aug 27, 01:38 PM
    Just a few hours left, let's hope we see new MacBook Pros tomorrow, I think we'll see the new iMacs with Merom in Paris, because it's a very good announcement for consumers, and get the Pro MB's tomorrow.

    As in Paris Expo? Cause I do believe that apple aren't going to be making a keynote speech. And won't make any annoucements at all or am I still believing in old news proved wrong?

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 11:44 PM

    Leopard preview
    Mac Pro (same enclosure)
    New displays. Same enclosure, better specs.
    Isight, smaller, stand alone. or BTO on displays
    New large display 40"+
    New Aiport xpress. Better range, wirelles music/video.
    That's it
    No ipods, no Ihome, no iphone.
    iSight-Windows XP, Boot Camp support
    Leopard-more built-in games-soltaire (something like Eric's Soltaire Sampler but with rich graphics) that outdo Vista's

    katie holmes wedding pics. Cruise and Katie Holmes
  • Cruise and Katie Holmes

  • SwiftLives
    Mar 17, 10:55 AM
    While I disagree with your statement that both parties are the same, I will concede that both parties work for interests that are not necessarily the same as those of the people who voted for them...

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  • yoak
    Apr 6, 08:20 AM
    Delivery on drives is such a nice concept but unfortunately like the quoted poster mentions drives are not ideal archive media... Tapes are still miles better in terms of long term robustness.

    Now if SSD prove to be robust enough to be used in archival processes then i can see a completely tapeless environment taking the stage.

    I agree with both of you that it�s not good enough for archive, but it let us by pass a "generation" or two for delivery. Then we can archive it on tape later.

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  • afrowq
    Apr 11, 05:59 PM
    Exactly. Apple has been neglecting its professional products since the iPhone and iOS release, and focusing on consumer level products. A lot of people on MacRumors are new to Mac/Apple. For those of us who have used Mac's for 10+ years, mostly for work, we have become weary of the direction the company is taking for US, not for the average Joe. FCP was a standard at the time, for less than its competitors it offered a great GUI at a reasonable price point. The hardware and software are business investments.

    As for the sarcastic comment regarding someone not leaving Apple now before FCP is released, it's because leaving is a huge decision. We have lots of money, time and equipment invested in our work. It's not as simple as dropping everything you have used for many, many years and investing and training yourself for another platform.

    Sorry, but I am tired of the new users brought in from iPhone's and iPods and MacBook's getting snarky with the professionals who carried Apple through tough times and rely on Apple's professional line for our work. First the dedicated ACD's are neglected and replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD panel from the 27" iMac, OS X Lion is morphing into an iOS GUI, the Xeon Server processors in the Mac Pro line that replaced the affordable PowerMac G4/5's are over priced and over powered for some of our needs, Xserve was dropped not due to less sales but less marketing and development due to Apple's focus on iDevices, less OS X development such as Resolution Independence, 64-bit implementation, TRIM support for third party Sandforce SSD's, and so on. Heck, even professional such as Annie Leibovitz has left Apple due its lack of professional level products over the past four years.

    There's much more to Apple than iDevices, as great as they may be. iMac's, iPads, MacBooks - they don't replace the systems Apple has left that are necessary for our work.

    *and before anyone states that Apple has made billions on iDevices and iOS, they certainly can take a small amount of that cash reserve and reinvest it into a much needed market, such as a mid-level tower that fits between the top level iMac and entry level Mac Pro for those of us who need 5+ tower's but now can't afford them since the Intel transition. Apple could easily restructure their professional focus with new project managers to give a much needed refresh of their high end niche, and they could easily make a profit from that market. They created/restructured a niche market with iDevices and made a killing, why not with their professional end products? There are thousands if not more of us who would gladly pony up and stick with Apple.

    Nailed it

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  • darh
    Aug 15, 01:11 PM
    Video cards won't make a difference in FCP as of now if that's what you are asking performance wise. If you are using Motion/Games, anything that really feeds off the video card, then I'd go for the higher end video card.

    Otherwise I'd go for the 2.6 ghz.

    Couldn't it be the harddrive that is the limiting factor in this bnechmark?

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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 27, 10:08 AM
    Rule 1 of Apple Events:

    You never get all the marbles.

    Considering some of the rumors I'm thinking all the marbles would be:
    MBP, MB, iMac, Mini processor update
    Leopard Preview
    iTunes Movie Store
    Larger capacity nanos
    True Video iPod

    So, you're right. Not a chance we're getting all of that (one can only dream).

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  • nukiduz
    Aug 7, 05:15 PM
    From Vista Help:
    "Previous versions of files and folders are copies that Windows automatically saves as part of a restore point. Any file or folder that was modified since the last restore point was made (usually 24 hours earlier) is saved and made available as a previous version. You can use previous versions of files to restore files that you accidentally modified or deleted, or that were damaged."

    I can use this now but without childish animations. Simple right-click the folder and select "restore previous versions".

    For me the Leopard preview was a big disappointment. No innovative features but silly Vista bashing all the time. Come on, Apple!

    What about flash drives? Meta data organisation in Finder? Media streams over local networks? Better window management? Spaces is the next answere to the incomplete Dockbar-conception (Expos� was the first and Time Maschine is a next interface ornateness).

    Preview and network-wide search in Spotlight? Who is copying here?

    I can't believe that: but now Vista looks innovativ!

    i completely agree. just hope that the top secret thing makes us think other way.

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  • Macsterguy
    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    So track me... I'm not ashamed of where I go...

    We are giving up our rights just by typing in this forum on the "World Wide Web" because it is World Wide...

    This was all started by 2 paranoid people that need to throw away their technology and crawl into a cave with that guy with the long grey beard that is hiding from the world (until he gets caught)...

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  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 06:07 PM
    the question still remains--will the powermacs be able to use standard, off the shelf, pc video cards?

    i know that you couldn't do so in the power architecture due to the bios irregularities. now that they're using efi, does this still mean we have to buy mac based cards? because that's really the question nobody seems to ask and nobody seems to have an answer for.

    what this new mac workstation will mean is the chance to upgrade your macs based on commodity parts. no more mac tax for hardware. i remember when the radeon 9700 was king, the price was around $299 for pc version and $399 for mac version.

    think about this, the ability to upgrade processor, video card, and sound card without having to pay the apple tax.

    that's what it really comes down to. the speculative "good" version of the mac pro has a so-so video card, but it's not really worth the $600 more just to get a 1800, i'd rather just get the 1600 and upgrade on my own.

    oh, btw, i did some of my own investigations and found this site:


    which may mean that the standard cards are compatible with mac os x now.
    i'v actually heard that with a normal PC, you can make almost any NVIDIA card compatible with mac, but it takes a bit of geekery and hackery.

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 27, 01:18 AM
    Damn PowerPC fans.

    Apple is INTEL now. We Love Intel Because Stevie Tells Us So.
    We hate AMD and IBM. Should Apple ever move to another CPU provider, we will seamlessly transition to hating Intel again. This is the Way of the Mac.

    What's so good about G5's anyway? They are slow, too hot, and skull juice.
    Why do we love Intel? Because Steve says to, and Core 2 Duo is powerful, cool, not permanently drunk, allows us to run Windows and helps Apple increase its market share.

    We love ATi because just like Intel, their products are the best at the moment. We still love nVIDIA because their GPUs are in the Mac Pro.

    We love Israel because they make our Core 2 Duos and we love China because they make our Macs. We love California because that's where Our Lord Stevie J is (Don't particularly care about the rest of the US, sorry guys).

    We love our Big Cats because they run so fast and look so clean and powerful (Hmmm... Mystery of OS codenames revealed?) and of course because they are not Windows, which are susceptible to breaking...

    People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Viruses?

    Off track...

    Anyway, Rawr to all you PowerPC fanboys (And girls)

    Intel 4EVER!

    katie holmes wedding pics. Cruise and Katie Holmes
  • Cruise and Katie Holmes

  • ciTiger
    Mar 25, 10:35 PM
    What? this seems hard to believe... Already done on development? :confused:

    katie holmes wedding pics. Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes
  • Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes

  • Evangelion
    Sep 19, 06:17 AM
    Key word being DESKTOPS.

    Again: NT was widely used on desktops. Maybe not by your Average Joe, but LOTS of people used it on the desktop. I used NT-workstation back when I studied, my friend used NT on his PC, lots and lots of companies ran NT, the list goes on. Hell, there were propably an order of magnitude more NT-desktops out there that there were Macs of any type!

    I still don't know personally anyone who uses OS X. Does that mean that no-one uses it?

    MP machines were server based long before they were included in desktops. I'd like to see where people had dual Xeon based DESKTOPS 'cause I've never seen it.

    There were plenty of people running SMP-systems. I personally knew two guys who had SMP-PC's. Just because you haven't seen anyone use one, does not mean that they weren't there.

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  • Cartaphilus
    Apr 25, 04:26 PM
    Despite the fact that were I the judge I'd levy Rule 11 sanctions against these lawyers, I can't agree that it makes any difference that the file is only available with access to the user's computer which can be password protected. In a civil matter, like a divorce case in a jurisdiction where it matters, the court can compel the user to divulge the password, to not delete or modify the file, and to deliver the computer to an expert to extract subpoenaed information. I haven't kept up with all the Patriot Act era provisions, but it wouldn't be surprising if law enforcement could obtain a warrant effectively forcing similar disclosures despite the Fifth Amendment.

    Even had Apple super-encrypted the file, users and providers (like Apple, ISPs, and Telcos) would nonetheless be vulnerable to legal compulsion to cooperate in providing information deemed by the courts to be material and relevant to some lawsuit or prosecution. Accordingly, it isn't entirely harmless if such information is recorded without the knowledge--actual or constructive--of the user. Even so, these plaintiffs are unlikely to plead that they are terrorists, serial bank robbers, or adulterers who were duped into recording their whereabouts, however imprecisely, and whose highly-developed sense of ethics prevents them from simply smashing the telltale devices instead of bringing a lawsuit.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 25, 02:37 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Over the past month or so, there appears to have been an uptick in user dissatisfaction with Apple's handling of support incidents. While overall satisfaction is extremely hard to gauge due to the fact that typically only disgruntled users notify sites of issues and the uptick could also simply represent Apple's increased marketshare, it does come amongst reports of Apple firing its online forum moderator staff (http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/07/28.10.shtml) and an Indian support center (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060604190322.shtml) that was shut down as quickly as it was opened. Similarly, many people felt that Apple was ill-prepared for yesterday's 1.8 million battery recall (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml), as Apple's support site was quickly overloaded with requests and there was a lot of confusion as to what batteries were affected.

    This all could, of course be coincidental. Of note, Apple has consistently been a market leader in surveys on customer support (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2006497,00.asp).

    Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Apple_Having_Support_Problems)

    Mar 31, 05:09 PM
    Thats not at all what this article is saying. The Android project is still going to be "open source".

    'Open Source' to the degree that it serves Google's purposes.

    The point is that Apple is derided as 'closed' while Google is erroneously beatified as 'open', when in fact there is little difference between the two (other than the fact that I somewhat trust Apple with private info, while I wouldn't trust Google as far as I could throw them.)

    Mar 22, 04:40 PM
    You know, on second thought....there never will be an iPad "killer".

    Show me a single tablet, from any manufacturer...that will out-sell the iPad.

    You can't.

    Which of the announced competitors will sell over 15 million in a year? To be the iPad killer...something will have to sell at least 15 million...and that was before iPad2 was released.

    Even if you take into account something that has not been announced yet...you can't find an iPad killer. There are too many competitors to the throne...how can the public differentiate between the competitors, some of which are the same thing hardware and software wise....and pick one that will be the "killer".

    There has not been an iPhone killer released ever....there has not been an iPod killer released ever...and there will not be an iPad killer released...ever.

    And yes, the Android fanboi cult will chime in and tout the latest and greatest...which will be superseded in two weeks by something else from HTC or Motorola or whoever...if any of these are the killer..why are their sales so much lower than a comparative iDevice?

    And don't toss me total number of Android sales or activations....show me a single model from any manufacturer that has sold greater than any comparable Apple portable device (iPad, iPhone, iPod)....there isn't one.

    (awaiting the "sales don't matter" comments...and "specs are where its at" dribble.....)

    This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in my first post on this thread - fanboyism at its worst.

    "There will never be an iPad killer"? What a ridiculous statement to make. Who knows where mobile tablet computing is heading in the next 1/2/3/10 years. Maybe demand for small tablets will rise? Maybe other operating systems will outstrip iOS? You knows how many units ANY particular tablet will sell next year? It so dismaying to see such a ridiculous view spouted as gospel.

    And anyway, why the obsession with a 'killer'? People don't use a Dyson vacuum cleaner because its a Bosch vacuum killer, people don't use chopsticks because they are cutlery killers, hell, apply the analogy to anything. People will ALWAYS pick (rabid fanboys aside) the consumer tool that works best for them. If that means that I find the Playbook fits my needs, I don't give two hoots if it's not an iPad killer. It really doesn't matter to the sane individual.

    FWIW, I believe that for all its failings, Android's spread across many developer platforms DOES have its benefits - who knows, we may seem a really strong Android OS this time next year?

    Apr 25, 01:37 PM

    1. Android stores the info as well.

    2. Unlike Apple, Android sends it back to Google.

    And Apple gets sued. :rolleyes:

    Mar 31, 06:18 PM
    Tightening controls? How about Google having final right of refusal toward any mass production Bill of Materials for any Android phone going into production? That will keep the manufacturing accountants from screwing over the developers taking a $0.76 of parts out to save on a run but generate a million man hours of bug fixing in the third party developer community.

    True - but what happend to the 'open is good', 'everyone can customize as they want', 'open is the freedom to do with it what you want'. The one big argument that was always made for Android is gone - it is no longer as open as people think. Anyway, 'open' was in this context anyway a hyped up buzzword ... I understood the 'open' argument since (with exception of the Nexus) everyone got dependent on what the provider chooses to adopt and what not. It is not good if the provider decides what to remove or add on top of the OS.

    Mr. Retrofire
    Mar 26, 09:22 PM
    It's crap that is no longer needed.
    It sounds like you speak about your own posts.

    You are in a progress trap (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_trap), kid. It feels good that you are not responsible for the use of nuclear weapons. I'm sure you would use them, if you could kill "Rosetta" with them.

    Stuff that can be cut out but isn't, holds back progress.
    Your logic is flawed, because Rosetta is already "cut out" in SL. It is a separate option, if you know what that means. No? Now explain, how you cut something out, which is already cut out.

    Progress = cutting and more cutting and then perfecting what's left over.


    It is important to note, that Apples success and progress in emerging markets in the past 10 years is associated with iTunes (it is necessary to access your iDevices), and the iTunes success is based on your biggest foe: The Carbon API. Or in other words: Apple would not be as big as it is, if Carbon and iTunes did not exist in the past. Strange that you must see now, that your enemies are your friends (and you use them daily).

