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the white house map room

the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • wizard
    Mar 27, 11:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone / iPad yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them? :confused: Last year it took until November for the original iPad update. Now they're going to offer the iPhone 5 with a several month lag for the iOS 5 upgrade?

    Hardware and software have little to do with each other in the large. That is at the low level each new piece of hardware requires it's one special software, but this is low level. The services and functionality rumored to come in iOS 5 are high level abstracted away from the hardware. I would much prefer that Apple took it's time with iOS 5 and actually get it right.

    On a side note I could see an iPad 3 in the fall. It wouldn't be a massive upgrade though. As I see a model optimized for 4G coming. There is also the potential for an even lower power variant of A5 coming built on 32/28nm tech. Such a processor would show up in an iPhone first and then move to iPad to replace the big chip there.

    the white house map room. Map Room White House
  • Map Room White House

  • nagromme
    Nov 26, 12:54 PM
    I want the smallest possible device that can run OS X apps--and maybe that means no keyboard. 12" is too big a screen, and laptops/convertibles are thicker because of the keyboard. An on-screen keyboard or stylus would still allow input, and I'd be able to work on a short notice without lugging my massive 15" laptop anymore! And when at home, client's office, friend's house, etc. I'd plug in a borrowed keyboard and/or display for better productivity.

    If home automation expands the market enough to bring me such a device, than good :)

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 10:38 AM
    i think we can leave it at 'bad style'

    IMHO it proves again that mixing on-the-paper-notation (leaving out the multiplication sign) and computer notation ( '/' instead of the paper notation) simply leads to confusing situation and needs to be avoided

    yes the answer is mathematical clear but why write it down that way in the first place ?

    I would not call it bad style but pretty clear that people all over the world suck at math.
    I can not even remember the last time I used the paper notation over '/' in my work. That paper notation is harder to write and read for me as it can easy be confused with '-' if the dots are missed or poorly put in place.
    The correct way to read 48/2(9+2) is (48/2)*(9+3) no other way about it. I would write it 48/2(9+3) because that is clear what it should be and under the rules that is exactly what I was aiming for. If I wanted it to be 48/ ((2*(9+3)) I would write it that way or have the 48 above a longer line and the 2 (9+3) completely below it.

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • Seasought
    Nov 22, 09:31 AM
    Contracts and locked phones will keep the phone industry from growing and maturing in the same way computers did.

    I think this is largely what keeps a bitter taste in my mouth regarding buying cell phones at all. I'm still using a crappy, standard-issue phone for my provider as 1.) the phones available to my provider are not to my taste or 2.) The ones I do like are ridiculously expensive.

    Perhaps the root of the issue is that I simply don't talk on my cell that much any way. :D

    the white house map room. President Barack Obama conducts interviews in the Map Room of the White House, March 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
  • President Barack Obama conducts interviews in the Map Room of the White House, March 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  • Gregintosh
    Mar 28, 10:58 AM
    I am a current VZW Blackberry Tour customer. I'm currently eligible to upgrade to iPhone 4 (Verizon has gone well out of its way to make me aware of this). My patience has truly been tested, as I've been assuming all along that iPhone 5 would be coming out in June.

    So what the hell do I do now? I'm not waiting until 2012.

    Easy, get the iPhone 4 now.

    It's not Apple's fault that you assumed there would be a new product. If you like the iPhone then just get it now. By the time 2012 rolls around you will be eligible for another upgrade and you can get the newest one then too if you must have it.

    Your patience has been tested? Just GET THE PHONE NOW! No one is stopping you. Apple has never told you that they are going to release a new phone in June for Verizon. Your patience is being tested... by yourself!

    I am also looking forward to iPhone 5 because I want one that is compatible with T-Mobile's frequencies. However, I am perfectly happy with my 3GS until that happens, even if I have to wait a little bit.

    Actually, I see that as an upside to a degree, because assuming my 3GS holds out (and short of dropping it on accident I have no reason to believe that it won't) that gives me a bit of extra time to save some money and maybe buy the iPhone 5 contract-free and unlocked (maybe from Canada...) so I can just use it right away on T-Mobile.

    And if T-Mobile officially gets it (who knows with the new developments in AT&T and T-Mobile merging) and I can buy it subsidized I will then just have an extra $400-$500 saved up that I can put toward another Apple product down the road...

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • Multimedia
    Aug 4, 09:45 PM
    DO you guys think the Mac MINI will get a speed bump anytime soon? A friend of mine, shes looking to come over to the Mac side and the MINI seems perfect for her needs but something faster would be nice then the current.By years end I would say so. By Jan 2007 at the latest. We need to see the iMac get a bump first. That may occur at Paris in September.I agree but think likely by Thanksgiving. I think mini will get the 1.66 GHz Core 2 Duo Combo and 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo Superdrive upgrades thus ending the last Mac to have only one core as well as the end of all 32-bit Macs. :)

    the white house map room. Enter the door on the
  • Enter the door on the

  • kennethalan
    Apr 20, 08:18 AM
    So then when will the iphone 6 come out? June 2012 or September 2012 or a completely different month?

    I don't know if I should buy an iPhone 4 now, wait and buy the iPhone 5, or wait a long time and buy the iPhone 6 in hopes that it's a major refresh.

    the white house map room. Map Room of the Whitehouse
  • Map Room of the Whitehouse

  • *LTD*
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    So Steve was right. Apple doesn't actually track anyone.

    the white house map room. the Map Room at the White
  • the Map Room at the White

  • Eidorian
    Jul 23, 08:34 PM
    Wow, why all the hatin'? This is what they did before. This is the way things are headed. I see another sub $1000 just like the iBook, that's a given. I'm hoping for a cheaper one, but not expecting it for awhile. Could be months, could be years. But as prices drop, it will happen. It's only a matter of time.The iBook never went under $999. I barely call that a sub-$1000 laptop. But whatever you say. I'll agree that $999 looks better then $1000 though. :p

    yeah i would love a MBP with:

    Black Case
    Better Graphics Chip
    Blu-ray drive (perhaps? apple is cutting edge in HD this would solidify it)All of these Blu-Ray fans scare me. Considering they're having trouble fabricating the 50 GB discs..

    the white house map room. Pete Souza/The White House
  • Pete Souza/The White House

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    May 6, 08:10 AM
    This is the most ridiculous thing to appear on the MacRumors front page in quite some time.agreed

    the white house map room. Below: Same Map Room Carpet as
  • Below: Same Map Room Carpet as

  • peharri
    Nov 27, 10:27 AM
    Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.

    That would take a degree of cooperation and coordination I've never seen in that environment. There's also the not-so-small issue that there is, so far as I can see, no public, free-software, GSM, UMTS, or IS-95/AMPS stacks and someone would have to write one.

    ...in an environment where, as yet, they can't even run the software they write. Porting the Linux kernel to the iPod and Nintendo DS was relatively simple, Linux pre-existed, and it was Linux's built-in functionality - the ability to run GNU - that was desired. But a cellphone OS needs to, fundamentally, be a cellphone at the end of the process.

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • Chundles
    Aug 4, 11:52 PM
    So I am planning on buying a MBP a soon or soon after they upgrade to Merom (depending on my $$ situation). BUt, I might be convinced to wait until Leopard is installed on the machines to buy.
    How much will it cost to upgrade? I know that the current version of OSX is $100+ in the Apple store. Is that an upgrade, or for people still running 9? Will the upgrade be that much?


    There are no "Upgrade" versions of OSX, every disk is a full install.

    It will most likely cost US$129 as it has in the past.

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 24, 07:41 PM
    You people are all wrong.

    This icon is going on the iPhone, which is going to quadruple the number of pixels in each direction, to 2560 x 3840.

    Oh wait, even then then the icon consumes a ridiculous amount of space on the screen...

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 01:55 PM
    I'm ready to pay Apple. Something under $1500 please. :cool:

    the white house map room. to the White House Map
  • to the White House Map

  • Steven in VA
    May 8, 11:19 PM
    Didn't somebody already point out the family account bargain?

    $149 for 5 accounts; only 30 bucks per account per year seems like a good deal for us. Even though our kids are grown they still like having it. And the 10GB storage on the sub-accounts is still big enough to be useful.

    But I just got the email notice that mine/ours is just about to renew, too. To have it become free for new users in a week, or a month, even, would be somewhat of a bite . . .

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 21, 03:39 PM
    Here are my predictions for WWDC; I think it will be an amazing event!

    It's posts like this that leave people disappointed after every keynote. When has apple EVER released that many things at once? WWDC will see the mac pro, a leopard demo, and maybe one other new product if we're lucky. Your expectations border on the absurd.

    the white house map room. Pete Souza / The White House
  • Pete Souza / The White House

  • basesloaded190
    Mar 28, 12:14 PM
    Like others have said, with a delay until the fall, this could mean that Apple will deliver a LTE Iphone this year instead of 2012 like what was originally thought.

    the white house map room. the Map Room of the White
  • the Map Room of the White

  • DeSnousa
    Sep 10, 11:18 PM
    Wow! What kind of slow-ass lines do you people in Australia have to suffer with?

    Thats ridiculously slow. :(

    Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:

    This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(

    the white house map room. reception the White House
  • reception the White House

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    It's a speed bump, if anything.

    Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:

    Aug 7, 02:54 PM
    I don't understand why people are complaining about the Bluetooth and wireless not being included. These are not portables, they won't move, and in many cases professionals don't care if the keyboard is wired or want it wired for some specific reason. Wireless internet is for portable computers folks, not a big hunk of aluminum that will sit on the floor or desk permanently. Wired is also still faster than wireless...if you are in a networked office environment that can make a massive difference.

    Sep 11, 03:19 AM
    i present you...

    the mediamac:
    I wouldn't be surprised if a MediaMac had the same form factor as the Mac Mini. However, a Media Mac needs 3.5'' HD to keep the price resonable.

    Aug 4, 09:10 PM
    If Im not mistaken every KeyNote from Steve Jobs, whether at WWDC, MacWorld or any other event from Apple has been on tuesdays. Why is this one DIFFERENT. Could we see a Movie Store on Tuesday ???????

    Nov 26, 09:29 PM
    Is there really no wiggle room?
    Has anyone tried to use the car kit with a Case Mate Barely There Case?

    May 3, 05:27 PM
    [QUOTE=ravenvii;12507483]CURRENT KNOWN MAP:

    map confusion - I'm assuming the yellow marks are three doors. but is our start position inside the mansion ?

    Yes the marks are doors. And yes you start inside the mansion.

