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iphone 4 white release date singapore

iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
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  • Machead III
    Sep 16, 11:50 AM
    C2D MB by Thanksgiving :D

    Too late for me :(

    *sheads a tear*

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 26, 03:05 PM
    Who cares? I thought this was macrumors not android news...

    Stop living in a vacuum.

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  • +iphone+4+white+release+

  • -hh
    Sep 11, 09:16 AM
    Apple has over 150 stores in US(or is it 250?). So is it possible if someone wants to Buy or rent a movie he just goes to any of these stores(which will have Optic fibre connectivity with the online store) and download the desired movie on his iPod/Laptop/mini taking no more than 10 minutes. Now this might not sound that great but it should definitely up the sales of iFlicks by atleast 10-15% IMO. All these stores are located in prime locations in big cities. There is a huge number of footfalls in and around these stores...It`s just a thought and it might not really be possible...

    One of the more interesting comments I've seen here.

    If you think about the success of iTunes, much of it has been in the "long tail" of obscure music that gets a new chance to be sold, rather than just the Top 10 (or 20) mainstream hits that you would normally find in your local record store (Tower Records, etc).

    The same also holds true with NetFlix: because the customer effectively "mail orders" his movie from a centralized distributor, he has more choices than what he finds in the local Blockbuster, since their distribution model suffers from shelf space being finite inside a brick-n-mortar store.

    So where is this going?

    Cross the concept of using the brick-&-mortar's storefront (Apple's) the the essentially "BTO" feature for buying DVD's of Netflix.

    You order your movie online, then go pick it up at your local Apple store where they've freshly downloaded (across their GB connection), burned it to DVD (with copy protections) and stuck in a jewelbox for you.

    Managing your consumers to prevent friday afternoon rushes can be built into the price structure: all movies are, say, $14.99, but there's a $5 discount for 12 hour notice and an extra 'rush' $5 handling fee if you order it in-store as a 'while you wait'.

    What's in it for Apple? Besides the sale of movies themselves, its one way to increase foot traffic in your stores, for anytime a consumer is in the store, there might be an add-on sale or two.

    In theory, Apple could make this a rental service model as well if they wanted to, but I consider that to be fairly unlikely. Similarly, a simliar idea could be done with the localized publishing (at the Apple Store) of iPhoto books ... what all of these ideas have in common is to reduce the delay in delayed gratification.


    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date.
  • iphone 4 white release date.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 11, 05:29 AM
    I think your right on the button with this one. iTMS is there to support apple products and as such they are going to want to keep it that way.
    If its not an updated ipod the only other product must be some kind of video aiport media device that you can rig up to you TV
    How many people wants to see a full lenght movie on an iPod? Why watch it on a 2.5'' when you can watch it on a 42''?
    Apple needs to introduce a TiVo like box if they want the movie sales to take off.
    First of all, this movie service will, just as in iTMS, not be very profitable for Apple.
    Secondly, Apple would just be another movie provider if they just offer movies.
    I doubt that is something Jobs could live with...

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • ikir
    May 4, 04:38 PM
    I will download it from App Store the day of release!

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • craigatkinson
    Jul 29, 10:42 PM
    I beg to differ. I've even heard stock analysts anticipating the release of the iPhone. It's not a matter if Apple is going to release it, its a matter of when.

    Nor, methinks this iPhone shall ever happen. What would Apple gain in becoming a cell phone provider? Its a nasty market with no concensus between camps.

    Sorry, its vaporware.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • iPhonedHome
    Mar 28, 10:24 AM
    If no new iPhone until 2012, then this further exemplifies Android = WINNING!

    This makes no sense and thus hope it's just another BS rumor.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • paolo-
    Apr 9, 09:17 PM
    @ Mac'nCheese and Tilpots

    I think tilpots has shown that he understands the proper priority of operation but is simply stating the fact the this notation can lead to interpretation or at least doubt as to what is meant. I clearly see the answer as 288 and would consider 2 a wrong answer. But if you take it for it's face value, it has to be 288, write it down with � and X, instead, you'll end up with 288, and that's what should be meant. But I still think this is a ****** notation and a second set of parentheses would make it clear.

    Wow I should be studying way more complex stuff than this right now...

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:44 AM
    I would welcome this. I enjoyed the features during the free trial period, but couldn't justify $99 per year for it. Since then they've added Back to My Mac, the Find my iPhone feature, and improved its reliability, so I would love to have access to it again, minus the cost. On top of what I pay for cellular service, another 9 bucks a month just seemed inconvenient.

    Uh $9 a month is $108 a year.

    People routinely get Mobileme for roughly $70 through Amazon or less through other places like eBay.

    Amazon Mobileme (http://www.amazon.com/MobileMe-Individual-Updated-2009-Version/dp/B001AMLRU4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1273246907&sr=8-1)

    Hell even Apple doesn't make people pay that much.


    $30 MiR or you get Mobileme for $69 with the purchase of a new Mac.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • mcrain
    Apr 14, 04:25 PM
    It's time to raise the capital gains rate and make it progressively tied to income taxes.

    Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • RubbishBBspeed
    Apr 23, 04:50 PM
    ahhh crap, yet more waiting time for next next next iMac (money back into the savings account then). I really do wish Apple would quit the messing with bit by bit updates and just release a genuine industry changing computer again like it did with the original macpro.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. white iphone 4 release date
  • white iphone 4 release date

  • wclyffe
    Dec 26, 02:33 PM
    Just confirmed it with BLT, there hasn't been a shipment come in.

    Seems like they're offline until Monday....

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date uk
  • iphone 4 white release date uk

  • sockdoggy
    Apr 8, 05:58 PM
    Lg and Samsung both are completing multi billion $ plants mid 2011 for OLED panels that next gen iPhones and iPad's will use - Apple has already ordered over $7 billion $ of production to run on these lines.

    Yeah- It seems as though Apple has secured the parts they need for production. Plain and simple.

    On the other hand, it seems as though RIM announced a product that they hadn't secured any means of production for. Just plain stupid.

    The CEO of RIM needs a good talking to by investors. Although I suppose that's already reflected in the share price.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 11, 02:14 PM
    My friend, who's cousin works at apple, says that he told him that Movies will be available soon, and an onslaught of new tv shows. The movies would be divided by comedy, horror, etc, and movies include Boogyman, Exorcism of Emily Rose, and he said that apple was trying to get the Inyuasha Movies as well. Ptricing might be 3-5 dollars

    rememeber, none of this has been confirmed by apple

    You mean the Apple employee who is friend of the cousin of the stepdaughter of your aunt? Ah ok...:rolleyes:

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • ckurt25
    Apr 18, 03:07 PM
    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be standardized
    (e.g. copied) for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    That's for the patent lawyers and the legal system to decide.

    Now if it was a fight to the death it would be a lot more interesting.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. white iphone 4 release date.
  • white iphone 4 release date.

  • JAT
    Apr 5, 01:19 PM
    Jail break is legal for personal use. Corporate use of jail break may be another thing altogether.

    Where's the Lexus theme? I don't want a Scion theme.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 06:29 AM
    Sounds just like some bloke from Apple. Snow Leopard's the last of the true desktop OS's.

    Really? In what sick and twisted world are you living? What's so very different in Lion that it's "not true desktop OS"? Launchpad the end of all?

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. White iphone 3gs. When will the iPhone 4 be available? White iphone 4 release date. When is the white iphone 4 coming out?
  • White iphone 3gs. When will the iPhone 4 be available? White iphone 4 release date. When is the white iphone 4 coming out?

  • japanime
    Mar 29, 05:51 PM
    Highly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.

    Obviously you know absolutely nothing about Japan. Most employees are very well paid here, and are by in large happy with their jobs. Even those who work part-time in fast-food restaurants. How does $12 an hour to work the evening shift at a McDonald's sound to you?

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. How+much+is+iphone+4+in+
  • How+much+is+iphone+4+in+

  • Popeye206
    Apr 6, 06:11 PM
    -Sync wirelessly (No more messing with that iTunes syncing madness)
    -SD Card (Expandable storage)
    -File manager (Operates more like a PC)
    -Can actually attach files in the stock E-Mail app (IPad cannot)
    -Photo file management in stock photo app (Not possible in iPad without iTunes syncing madness)
    -USB Port (This is HUGE)
    -HDMI (Also pretty huge)
    -Decent cameras
    -UI looks very cool.

    Haven`t held a Xoom yet so just working from posted specs..
    But I do have an iPad 1. Quite a disappointing experience for a power user.

    The games rock though!!

    I did play with the Xoom right after it came out on my of my Best Buy visits (the same one that is not not working that I revisited last night). I personally didn't care for it. Too chaotic on the interface, but I can see where the more technogadget people would like it. But I think the more general consumer will have issues with it as it's just not as clean as iOS on the iPad.

    I do think the Android and potentially RIM tablet will catch on. It's foolish to think Apple will be the only major player in the long run. The market is potentially too big. But Apple has a huge advantage right now as it seems Moto, Samsung and others are rushing products to market and not giving the best experience for the masses.

    May 4, 03:01 PM
    pro: one less disc to keep track of. my family already lost my iWork disc.

    cons: what if i want to format the hard drive and restart from scratch? or even just archive and install? what if i completely replace my hard drive? what if i want to sell my mac and get a new one, would i retain the license or would the buyer get it? how would they reinstall the OS after I wipe the hard drive? how long is this going to take to download? will we be able and authorized to burn our own install DVDs from the downloaded software?

    Then don't buy from the Mac App Store.

    Dec 15, 04:47 AM
    whats better sophos or kaspersky for mac?

    Mar 26, 09:56 PM
    Lion this summer, iOS 5 this fall. Makes sense to me :)

    Apr 5, 01:55 PM
    I'm all for the freedom of jailbreaking, but I also have to be realistic: If I am a Scion fan (I'm not) and want this theme on my iPhone, I have to jailbreak it. If I mess something up and end up bricking my iPhone, can I blame Toyota? Not likely.

    This seems less like a freedom issue and more of a liability issue.

    Aug 7, 03:36 PM
    No iMac update (but added expectation of one with the pro-sumer-sized 'gap' people have commented on) is good news for my wallet and my patience. :rolleyes:

