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world map continents outline

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  • greenstork
    Aug 4, 01:02 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    What doesn't your Macbook do fast enough?

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • johnj84
    Mar 30, 10:50 PM
    It's okay, I'll continue visiting for the 5%.


    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:36 PM
    Is anybody truly surprised by this? Droid phones are on almost every single carrier and come in every price point (including free). There is essentially one iPhone that comes at a premium price. Its like figuring out that there are far more chevy's on the road than Mercedes. Not a surprise at all.

    It would be nice to see the numbers broken out by phone and carrier costs. Those would be meaningful market share numbers.

    Why would you use car analogy here? Obviously the better one is about Windows/Macs. And the end result is not so good for Macs - a niche OS with 4% of worldwide market share and lack of support from many major providers.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • alent1234
    Apr 25, 10:56 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.

    iOS uses services from a company called Skyhook to help with location tracking. they use GPS and wifi access points to pinpoint locations faster than GPS.

    a lot of android phones used to use it as well but in 2.1 or 2.2 google made it very hard to use anything except google for location. this is why a lot of android phones have slow GPS or it doesn't work as well indoors.

    if the data is sent to anyone it's probably to skyhook to improve their service. or maybe apple is doing something similar and building their own location database. do you really think that every time you use GPS it really sends a signal to outer space?

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 11:44 AM
    Seriously it takes maybe a couple months to adjust to new systems of measure, it's really not that big of a deal and it certainly doesn't require any massive brain power to use metric vs. Imperial. The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    Also they teach both systems in grade school etc at least when I was in school.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 4, 10:23 AM
    I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in the iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook Pro line and before Xmas in everything else.

    If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.

    world map continents outline. World Map in Hindi -
  • World Map in Hindi -

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 31, 02:11 AM
    Maybe that rate wouldn't be bad, but if you read the article, that's not what they're charging. Beyond the initial free amount, its $1 per 1 gig, not $1 per 20 gigs.
    You get 20 gigs if you buy an album on Amazon. Here's an album for a dollar:


    You do the math.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • RubbishBBspeed
    Apr 23, 04:50 PM
    ahhh crap, yet more waiting time for next next next iMac (money back into the savings account then). I really do wish Apple would quit the messing with bit by bit updates and just release a genuine industry changing computer again like it did with the original macpro.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • Minimum
    Apr 24, 08:25 PM
    I would love to see an ultra high-res display sold by Apple. If they sold a 4K display for 2 grand I would certainly bite. Couple an awesome 4K display with 2 next gen video cards and you have yourself the best gaming machine ever built.

    I can't wait. :D

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • peeInMyPantz
    Aug 4, 06:14 AM
    I think the very last machine to get it will be the bottom end MacBook and slowest Mac Mini. There is no reason why they could not offer both Yonah and Merom in the same systems since they are the same sockets. With the discounted Yonah or Core Solo they could hit there $499 price point on the mini and $899 for the Core Duo white MacBook. The Black MacBook will see Merom near the same time as MBP. They may wait 3 weaks or so to see if the Merom supply can meet demand.
    I don't think price for MB will ever drop, even if they're staying with yonah. It's selling quite well at this price. If they offer yonah and merom in the same system, the price diff will not be a lot, and apple will end up stocking for both yonah and merom, which is not something they will do

    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.
    sales are going to drop anyway, coz ppl are going to wait. It's just like last year before intel processor come into the picture, there's a drop in sales coz ppl are waiting..

    That banner is showing Apple's existing products, not future products. The 64 bit logo is no doubt referring to the current line of G5 machines.

    maybe it's about leopard

    .. don't u just love speculation.. haha

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • azentropy
    Mar 27, 08:32 AM
    Don't know if this is true, but IF Apple was to "delay" an iOS 5 release, they would start leaking those plans now.

    world map continents outline. continents outline map
  • continents outline map

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 2, 11:24 AM
    I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.

    I agree with this 100%.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 03:44 PM
    So I guess we'll all just send you our AT&T Internet Bills when we go over their newly implemented data usage caps? :eek:


    Absolutely. Send 'em right over and I'll know precisely what to do with 'em.

    Seriously, I don't see why anyone would object. This is merely another option for getting OS X. It adds to our choices. This is not right for you? Use the traditional method. Nobody loses.

    world map continents outline. world map outline continents.
  • world map outline continents.

  • shawnce
    Aug 2, 12:05 PM
    Let me get this straight. The Keynote is on Monday not Tuesday. I thought the keynote was Tuesday just like MWSF.


    world map continents outline. World Mercator Projection Map,
  • World Mercator Projection Map,

  • shartypants
    Apr 23, 04:52 PM
    Sounds great, but I would need a new pair of eyeballs to tell the difference (maybe Apple will someday come out with iBalls :))

    world map continents outline. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS LABELED

  • eawmp1
    Apr 21, 03:06 PM
    Hopefully the smaller form factor won't cause additional heat dissipation issues.

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 01:43 PM
    That takes some balls.

    You might well think that if you didn't bother to read the article.

    world map continents outline. world map continents and
  • world map continents and

  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 03:44 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I wonder if apple said, we have $60 billion dollars. We will buy every tablet you can make for the next 3 years. If you build new factories or production lines, we'll take those too, including those of your affIliate companies..

    And then Apple will go on to buy up all the LED computer displays, hard drives, and Intel Processors.

    The Computer Industry can KEEP their Blu-ray drives... :eek:

    (Oops, did I just say that?)

    world map continents outline. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • 2ndPath
    Aug 7, 06:16 PM
    That brings up a question I was wondering about...since they only offer 1 model that can be customized by Apple...what will the Apple Stores and Authorized Resellers have in stock...Just the base model?

    I was also wondering about that. The stores also have additional configurations of the MacBooks and MacBook Pros available. Probably Apple will have three standard configurations in the Stores. The stores could also just customize the machines for the customers. I don't know how easy it is to switch the CPUs, but all the other components, which can be customized, seem to be easily changable.

    Nov 22, 08:38 AM
    I am skeptical about the iphone myself and am waiting to see what apple will offer. I have never felt part of the "cell phone generation" and find all the bells a whistles superfluous. I am hoping apple will add features that I will actually want and use. What they are, I dont know, but perhaps apple can tell me what I want?

    Givin apples history and reputation I will give them the benifit of the doubt...

    Apr 21, 02:38 PM
    FINALLY some Mac Pro updates!

    agreed, hopefully an update with the new FCP X :confused:

    May 8, 06:20 PM
    to me it makes sense the following way:

    Mobileme free but iAd support or some sort of bing advertisement
    Mobileme without ads and some extra features for the ppl that pay

    May 4, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148)

    The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.

    If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.

    Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.

    Indeed, which is why I also do a Carbon Copy Clone once in a while. Most people, for some reason, just use Time Machine. Maybe they never have encountered a catastrophic disk failure. Seems like a big risk to take.

    CCC would also copy any issues (apart from hardware faults) so how would that be better?

    Nov 3, 11:01 AM
    Now we need someone to test it on an iPod touch, I'd be thrilled to see it work on an iPod. On the other hand, at that price (car kit + app) you can get a very decent Tomtom dedicated GPS-navigator and use your iPod for something else...

